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Our Lady and St Rose of Lima
Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Learning, Living, Loving Together in Christ


Homework in Year 4


Daily Homework Tasks

Children benefit from daily reading.  It not only develops their fluency and understanding, but also enables their imagination to grow which then feeds into their writing.  In addition, regular practise of times tables is essential for Mathematics, especially in Year 4 with our end of year multiplication check. Because of this, the children in Year 4 are expected to read daily, and log it onto Boom Reader, along with daily practise on Times Table Rockstars for at least 10 minutes.  


Weekly Homework Tasks

Homework will be set within BGFL and will consist of 2 elements - a forms quiz that they should complete online and a task that they should complete separately. 

  • The quiz will relate to learning that has been taught within the lessons so your child will be familiar with the work and can use the resources, particularly the knowledge organisers, within their files on BGFL to support them.
  • A piece of English or Maths homework that all children must complete.  This will often be something that consolidates their learning from that week, so it is crucial it is completed at home.


Homework will be assigned  each Friday and should be completed and handed in by the following Thursday.  


ALL children MUST complete ALL the homework each week.


Your child is aware of where to find the homework and the tasks will be explained in class prior to them being set.  Please support your child's independence by encouraging them to think about what has been said within the classroom and where they would normally find this information - we promise, this will not be new to them!



If you are unable to access the internet at home, please ensure your child tells me in advance so that I can make alternative arrangements however, where possible, online learning is preferred as it encourages your child to be more independent and develop their technology skills at home.