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Our Lady and St Rose of Lima Catholic Primary School home page

Our Lady and St Rose of Lima
Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Learning, Living, Loving Together in Christ

Star of the week

07.02.25 - Class Star of the Week

31.01.25 - Living out the School Mission Statement

24.01.25 - Moki week - Being active (Chosen by Mr. Read)

17.01.25 - Improved presentation

29.11.24 - Moki Week (Being Active)

22.11.24 - Most improved presentation - Class nomination

15.11.24 - Mutual Respect (British Values)

08.11.24 - Fantastic work

18.10.24 - Excellent behaviour

11.10.24 - Class nomination

03.10.24 - Catholic Social Teaching

27.09.24 - Showing our virtues of Curious and Active

20.09.24 - Settling in so well to Reception class