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Our Lady and St Rose of Lima Catholic Primary School home page

Our Lady and St Rose of Lima
Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Learning, Living, Loving Together in Christ

Online Safety Resources and Activities for Pupils

Online Safety- Pupil Page and Resources


Hi kids! This is a special E Safety page created just for you. I know you are all fantastic at keeping safe online and are true safety superheroes but we need to make sure it stays that way! To make sure you keep being so excellent you need to make sure that you continue learning about Online Safety regularly so that you don't forget any important knowledge or learning. On this page below you can find lots of useful information, fantastic resources, activities, videos, packs and much more to support you in learning about E Safety. They are fun, engaging and I know you will really enjoy them! You can even try and get your whole family involved in some activities, such as the Activity Sheets.  Have fun, enjoy the resources and keep being my excellent e safety- superheroes!

Staying Safe Online


E-Safety is about using ICT in a responsible way to keep safe online. It is important for us all to keep safe and protect ourselves as well as our information so that we can all enjoy our time online! To help you stay safe, you should follow the ‘Click Clever, Click Safe' code. It's just three simple things to remember that can help keep you safe when you visit your favourite websites:



Being online and using the internet is just like being in the real world - you can chat to people, play games and share pictures. But sometimes things happen which can make you upset. People may say nasty things to you which upset you, or you may see something that you don’t like.

If this happens, you must remember that it’s not your fault.


Online Safety Packs

Online Safety Videos

Jessica's Wish - an animation for Safer Internet Day by Jude

Created by 11 year old animator for Safer Internet Day 2016, using the UK Safer Internet Centre's poem 'Jessica's Wish'. Visit f...

Child Focus 'E-safety' Video

One of the key missions of Child Focus is prevention. This clip was made as an e-safety awareness campaign for children between 4 and 8 years. It's being air...

Online Privacy for Kids - Internet Safety and Security for Kids

'Cyberspace' Rap about STOP. THINK. CONNECT. and Online Safety

Faculty and students at the William E. Doar School for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. created "Cyberspace", a rap song about online safety as part o...

Safer Internet Day Animation: Let's create a better internet together!

In support of Safer Internet Day, Barnsley animation company, Tarnished Studios, have given their time and skills to create this animation about kindnes...

Online Safety Website Links


Click on the green links to access the different websites. All of them have information or activities to do with keeping safe online.


Online safety resources aimed at 3 -11 year olds.
Find Online Safety Information, games and activities aimed at different age groups from 5-11.
A website for the younger age group ( KS1 4-7)  to help you go on the internet in a safe way and know who to talk to if you are worried.
A website for the older age group ( KS1 8-10) to show you what is good online,  look at what’s not and show you ways you can get yourself out of bad situations.
The CBBC website has different information, videos, quizzes and games to help you learn how to stay safe online.
There are lots of activities and games here on this website to test your knowledge on internet safety!
Practical online safety advice with online activities and resources.
5 fantastic cartoons to illustrate e-safety SMART rules for 7 to 11 year olds.
The Childnet website has e safety videos, parent and pupil toolkits and online safety activities to do at home.
The Childnet Primary website has a fantastic children's activity zone all about staying safe online. The internet is a wonderful place to explore and discover new things, to connect and communicate with others and to be creative.

Posters and Activity Sheets

Kid Smart Poster

Online Gaming

Social Media

Cyber Aware

Live Streaming

Viewing Videos Online

Sharing Images