Additional information
Additional information
House teams
When your child starts school they will be put into one of the 4 house teams - St. Bernadette, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Oscar Romero, St. John Paul II.
Children will be given green house points for positive things such as being kind, playing nicely, working hard etc. Red points can be given for negative behaviour such as not being kind, hurting someone etc. We don’t like to give red points, but we love to give lots of green points out and we will always encourage children to build up their points. At the end of each term, the house team in the school with the most green house points is rewarded with a special ‘House team winners’ afternoon. In the past we have had bouncy castles, birds of prey shows, discos etc.
Magic Moments
If you would like to share a 'magic moment' which has happened outside of school time, please fill in a slip and send it back into school. We can share this with your child's classmates and it will be added as evidence to your child's Early Learning Goal journal.
Prayer bag
Your child will receive this several times during their year in Reception. Please try to think of a prayer together at home and record it in the prayer book. We ask that you try to think of something to thank God for and let your child contribute by drawing a picture/writing.
Everywhere Bear bag
Your child will receive this once during their time in Reception. This is an opportunity for your child to take the Everywhere bear home and record what they have done at the weekend with the bear! Photos and a little note to update us will be great way for your child to share their news with their classmates.