Useful Links and Websites for Home Access
Online Work/ Websites
This page is a one stop guide to the different online resources that your child has access to through the school. They have usernames and passwords for each of the websites which you should have recieved from your teachers. Should you have any problems accessing these websites, please let your class teachers know and they will sort it for you.
Everyday you can practise your online Maths and Reading Phonic Skills. You can either try and move up a level on Numbots or Rockstars, read some books, practise your Phonic Sounds or reading comprehensions on Active Learn or Read Theory, complete your Big Maths Tests online or try out some spelling games on j2blast.
Have fun! You can access all of the websites by clicking on the pictures below. There is also a little explanation of each website, what it does and how you can use it for your learning.
Numbots helps children with their sums and with counting and recognising numbers. This is very Year One friendly and helps children to improve their Maths fluency and recall in addition and subtraction facts.
Active Learn has access to thousands of online reading books to help the children practice their Phonic sounds and become fluent readers. The more books they read the quicker they will progress in their reading so you need to be using and accessing this website regularly.
Big Maths helps them to recall number facts quickly in their learn its test and practise their skills for their CLIC test on Friday.
You can now access your weekly spellings online using J2 blast which is on the BGFL App Launchpad. Don't forget that you will have to sign into BGFL first and then access the j2blast through the app launchpad. You can practise your spellings online here and play lots of fun games to help you learn them throughout the week!
Times Table Rockstars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.
This resource helps children to become more fluent with their times tables. There is a Timetables Test in Year 4 so daily practise using this website will greatly help and support them with this. Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so. Can you become an ultimate Rockstar with your tables?!
Read Theory is an online reading platform. Once the children are signed up and they log in, they will take a diagnostic quiz, which assesses them at a ‘grade level’. They will then continue to complete comprehension quizzes and progress along the grades when they are ready.
The links to all pages are below.