Homework in Reception
Homework in Reception
Phonics reading book
This is the main reading book that your child will be given. It is linked to the phonic sounds your child is learning in school. These need to be in school on a every day to be changed. Please comment on ‘Go Read’ (online reading diary) when you read together. If ‘Go Read’ has not been signed, then a new book cannot be given.
You will receive a letter in the Autumn term about additional reading books that your child will be bringing home.
Weekly Literacy homework (in a named folder)
Each week your child will be given a booklet containing the following:
- Phonic sounds we have been learning in school.
- Words which contain these sounds in.
- Key words.
- High frequency words.
- Handwriting sheets (the sounds we have been learning).
Please practise reading and writing these sounds and words at home with your child on a daily basis - even just for 5 minutes.
Each week your child will practise new sounds and words in school.
At the beginning of the year your child will be segmenting and blending words, e.g. c-a-t ----> cat, but the aim is that your child will soon be able to read these words fluently without having to do this.
You will receive a letter in the Autumn term with more information.
Sound boxes - ALL sounds and words
High Frequency Words
These are 45 words to learn to read and write by the end of Reception. They are called high frequency words, because we use them so often. Your child will be able to move up the word bands on our 'reading rocket' and ‘spelling rocket’. Once all of the words have been learned, your child will 'land on the moon' and can choose a prize from the prize box! Many of the high frequency words are 'tricky' words which you cannot 'sound out'. They are 'sight' words which your child will learn to read.