Catholic Virtues Luminaries
Year 5 Catholic Virtues Award
Each half term, we focus on two different Catholic Virtues. As a class, we explore what the virtues mean and how we can show we are fulfilling them on a daily basis. During the half term, the class will nominate a person who has fulfilled the Catholic Virtues and will award them with the 'Virtues' award.
Autumn 2 Catholic Virtues Luminary - Matilda
This half term, we have chosen Matilda as our Catholic Virtues Luminary. She is always intentional in her actions and lives as God would like us to. She goes out of her way to make sure everyone is happy and if they have everything they need. She knows that a kind word or action can really improve someone's day and does this all the time. She is prophetic because she knows that by living out God's word, she spreads it. Well done, Matilda, We are really proud of you and you brighten our days all the time.
Autumn 1 Catholic Virtues Luminary - Ayah
Ayah is a wonderful member of Year 5 who has consistently demonstrated the Catholic Virtues of 'Curious and Active' this half term. Her attitude towards her learning is excellent and every piece of work demonstrates a desire to do her very best in every single lesson. Ayah's work is always detailed and well considered, and it is clear that she has listened attentively during the lesson. We are incredibly proud of how she lives out the Catholic Virtues and delighted that she is our first luminary of this academic year. Well done Ayah!