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Our Lady and St Rose of Lima
Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Learning, Living, Loving Together in Christ

Upper KS2

UKS2 Module 1, Unit 1

Session 1: Calming the Storm

Over five days, children will hear and experience the Gospel story of Jesus calming the storm. The story will be repeated in various ways, and through times of discussion, imaginative reflection and creative response, children will learn that they are created by God who cares for us and wants us to put our faith in Him. Approximately 15 minutes should be put aside for each daily session, but you might wish to spend longer on some days.


UKS2 Module 1, Unit 2

Session 1: Gifts and Talents

In the first episode of the ‘Paradise Street’ series, we are introduced to the four main characters and see their similarities and differences. There is friction over competition and rivalry, with the characters learning that difference - whether physical or skills based - should be celebrated as enriching to a community. One of the characters, Finn, discusses his feelings of insecurity with his Mum and she teaches him to be more deeply aware of his value and that his self-confidence should arise from being loved by God.

Session 2: Girls’ Bodies

This second episode of ‘Paradise Street’ starts with a lesson talking about the physical changes that boys and girls experience during puberty; to which the children respond with degrees of embarrassment and confusion. The film then focuses on the girls’ perspective through the character of Leyla. Through the film, follow-up discussion, teaching and personal activity, pupils will learn about the physical changes that take place for girls through puberty.

Session 3: Boys’ Bodies

This third episode of ‘Paradise Street’ starts with a lesson talking about the physical changes that boys and girls experience during puberty; to which the children respond with degrees of embarrassment and confusion. The film then focuses on the boys’ perspective through the characters of Marcus and Finn. Through the film, follow-up discussion, teaching and personal activity, pupils will learn about the physical changes that take place for girls through puberty.

Session 4: Spots and Sleep

This session discusses how children can respect their bodies as gifts from God by looking after them appropriately. They will learn that good choices regarding rest, sleep, exercise, personal hygiene and diet will have a positive impact on their health.


UKS2 Module 1, Unit 3

Session 1: Body Image

Episode 5 of ‘Paradise Street’ investigates some of the pressures pubescent young people can face from others, their own expectations and the media. Leyla feels pressure to look grown up after her Mum shares a photo of her on social media with a caption ‘my baby’, and Finn feels weak and inadequate and so tries to build muscle too quickly. Through exploring these and other pressures that they may experience, children will develop ideas of how to build resilience through thankfulness.

Session 2: Peculiar Feelings

In Episode 6 of ‘Paradise Street’, Marcus imitates inappropriate behaviour that he sees at home from his Mum’s boyfriend. He learns that some behaviours are always wrong, no matter what feelings accompany them, and learns that he has to take responsibility for his actions. Meanwhile, Siobhan and Leyla fall victim to a miscommunication which ruptures their friendship. In this session, through films and activities pupils will consider how people behave and react to their feelings and emotions, and how these feelings can change quickly.

Session 3: Emotional Changes

In Episode 7 of ‘Paradise Street’, Leyla has a crush on an older boy and gets a bit carried away. Meanwhile, following recent events in Marcus’ personal life, Miss Nichols gives him a creative outlet for the powerful emotions he has been experiencing. This session provides plenty of opportunity for discussion and reflection, including how to manage feelings that can seem uncontrollable.

Session 4: Seeing Stuff Online

This session explores the emotional and mental impact that videos and images of an adult nature can have on children and young people, particularly pornography*. In Episode 8 of ‘Paradise Street’ we explore the relationship that the characters have with online devices. Leyla and Siobhan rave about a vlogger they have discovered, whilst Finn secretly discovers a pornographic website. Initially shocked and scared by what he has seen, he becomes more and more drawn to it. When his Dad discovers what Finn has been looking at, he sits down with him for a chat to explain the effect that these videos and images will have on his young brain.


UKS2 Module 1, Unit 4

Session 1: Making Babies (Part 1)

This session explores how a baby grows in the womb, building on and developing the teaching at Lower Key Stage Two. In this episode of ‘Paradise Street’, Finn learns that his Mum is going to have a baby. He discusses it with his friends, who don’t know much about where babies come from. Finn learns from his Mum about the miraculous process of human life and how it is conceived and developed in the womb. Finn also has his worries alleviated about being ‘replaced’ or not loved so much when the new baby comes along.

Session 2: Making Babies (Part 2)

Previously in ‘Paradise Street’, Finn and Leyla asked questions about how babies are made and they learned about the different stages of life in the womb. At the end of the episode, Finn disarms his Dad with the question, “How did your sperm actually get inside Mum’s body?” In this session, pupils will learn some key information and facts about sexual intercourse, underpinned with the religious understanding that sexual intercourse is intended for married couples and has been designed by God.

Session 3: Menstruation

In the final episode of ‘Paradise Street’, we see Siobhan get her first period and feeling uncertain about what to do. She is sad that her Mum, who died a number of years ago, isn’t there to show her the ropes, but she is helped by her teacher and her Dad to become confident going forwards. Through this session, pupils will learn about how girls manage their periods (menstruation), and understand some of their possible side effects (including PMS). They will learn why periods happen, that fertility is necessary to bring a child into the world, and how the menstrual cycle is part of God’s plan for creation.

UKS2 Module 2, Unit 1

Session 1: God Is Calling You

In this session, pupils will look at the nature of God’s call to love others. Children will study and imaginatively consider the story of Zacchaeus’ conversion and explore ways in which they can hear God’s call in their lives.


UKS2 Module 2, Unit 2

Session 1: Under Pressure

The first step to coping with pressure is to identify the many guises it can take. In this session, children will learn about spoken and unspoken pressure that they might experience, particularly from their peers. Then, in small groups, children will rehearse and present role-play scenarios, so that children can identify different ways in which people can experience pressure and strategies to resist it.

Session 2: Do You Want A Piece of Cake?

The previous session in this unit considered different ways in which children might feel pressured by those around them, particularly their peers. This session discusses the issue of consent and bodily autonomy, and equips children with the ability and confidence to say ‘no’.

Session 3: Self-Talk

So far in this unit, we have explored the pressures that children can feel from peers and adults, and how to cope with and resist these pressures. But some of the strongest pressures that young people can experience come from themselves, and these have a huge effect on how they relate to the world and the people around them.


UKS2 Module 2, Unit 3

Session 1: Sharing Isn’t Always Caring

Continuing from the NSPCC resources used in LKS2, this session presents the digital world as one that children need to take steps to stay safe in, just like the real world. This session focuses children making safe and sensible decisions about what content to share or not share, including photos, passwords and other personal information. Children will discuss how this can be damaging and dangerous, and will devise rules to remember to keep themselves safe.

Session 2: Cyberbullying

Building on the NSPCC Share Aware programme which pupils covered in Lower Key Stage 2, this session investigates cyberbullying. It explores how children can chat safely, the impact cyberbullying can have, and what behaviour is acceptable and unacceptable online. Children will also learn how they can report and get help if they encounter inappropriate messages or material.

Session 3: Types of Abuse

This session follows on from the previous two internet safety sessions, by moving into the real world and considering what physical contact is appropriate and inappropriate. Through 4 fictional stories, children will be introduced to the term ‘abuse’ and discuss the different kinds of abuse, including sexual (which in LKS2 was described as ‘abuse of private parts’). Children will be introduced to the concept of rights, and how abuse violates their rights. They will be asked to think of trusted adults that they can talk to about any issues they may face. There is also an optional* section to discuss the rights violation that is Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Session 4: Impacted Lifestyles

In this first of two UKS2 sessions on drugs, alcohol and tobacco, pupils will build on their existing knowledge through learning facts and taking part in activities to demonstrate how using these substances can impact on people’s lifestyles and inhibit the body’s natural functioning. The teaching of this session is underpinned with the religious understanding that consuming these substances is harmful to our bodies, and therefore God’s creation.

Session 5: Making Good Choices

In this second UKS2 session on drugs, alcohol and tobacco, pupils will consider scenarios where people feel pressured to use them. Children will be encouraged to use their scientific knowledge and religious understanding to cope with pressurising situations and make good choices. The teaching is underpinned with the religious understanding that consuming certain substances is harmful to our bodies, and therefore God’s creation.

Session 6: Giving Assistance

The animated Dr Datfa features in this session to equip children with some basic First Aid knowledge, including the recovery position and the DR ABC primary survey. This involves a roleplay activity so children can practise DR ABC, so you might want to clear tables and chairs or use the hall for this session. This is underpinned with the religious teaching that God created us to love Him and to love others, so we should look out for and care for one another.


UKS2 Module 3, Unit 1

Session 1: The Holy Trinity

In both KS1 and LKS2, children learnt about the Holy Trinity through films about Lucy and her family. This session returns to Lucy one last time, and helps pupils increase their understanding of the Holy Trinity using Scripture activities and prayer. Children will also consider how they can allow the Holy Spirit to work through them to share God’s love in the world.

Session 2: Catholic Social Teaching

This session introduces the concept of Catholic Social Teaching (CST). Through examples of God’s love in action throughout Scripture, children will learn how God wants us to live in society with each other. They will learn the principles of CST, how we can apply these to daily life.


UKS2 Module 3, Unit 2

Session 1: Reaching Out

Building on pupils’ learning in the previous session about Catholic Social Teaching (CST), this session recaps the principles and shows how they are relevant day to day. Children will look at current news stories, applying Catholic Social Teaching to analyse the issues and come up with ways of reaching out to others and spreading God’s love in their communities.