Meet the Governors
Our Governors.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
If you would like to contact the clerk, please address your email/letter to Mrs E Woodhouse.
The school is governed in accordance with the INSTRUMENTS OF GOVERNMENT for the Archdiocese of Birmingham Catholic Voluntary Aided Schools.
The Governing Body is made up of:
4 Foundation Governors; 1 Elected Parent Governor;
2 Staff Governors (Including the Head teacher); 1 LA Governor
Name of Governor | Type of Governor | Appointed |
Mrs F Foley (Chair of Governors) | Foundation | 19/9/22 |
Rev G Buckby (Vice Chair of Governors) | Foundation | 4/12/21 |
Mrs A Murphy (SEND Governor) | Foundation | 31/8/20 |
Mrs C Bird | Foundation | 16/7/23 |
Mr P Hamilton | Foundation | 14/3/24 |
Ms S Lay (Safeguarding Governor) | Local Authority | 23/11/22 |
Mr P Cannon | Elected Parent | 23/11/22 |
Ms A Neville | Staff Governor | 23/11/22 |
Mr P Carroll | Head Teacher | |
Mrs E Woodhouse | Clerk to Governors |
Ms Lay has declared she is employed as the cluster, sport's coordinator.
There are no other pecuniary interests declared by the governors.
Building, Finance and Staffing:
| Mrs Anna Murphy (BFS Chair), Mr Paul Carroll, Mrs Finula Foley, Miss Sarah Lay |
| Mr Paul Carroll, Mrs Finula Foley, Ms. Paula Kavanagh |
Head teacher Performance Management Reviewers:
| Fr Gary Buckby, Mrs Finula Foley, Miss Sarah Lay |