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Our Lady and St Rose of Lima Catholic Primary School home page

Our Lady and St Rose of Lima
Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Learning, Living, Loving Together in Christ

Religious Education


Our school follows the curriculum strategy – Learning and Growing as the People of God - provided by the Archdiocese of Birmingham for teaching RE in a Catholic primary school.


As well as dedicated RE lessons, the thematic approach to this syllabus enables RE to be taught through other subject areas as links in learning provide the children with opportunities to make connections.


Please click on the links below to access each class’s syllabus.

Our Curriculum work - Nursery to Year 6





In addition to the diocesan strategy, we have dedicated themed weeks. For example, Vocations Week where we look carefully at how people are called by God to fulfil their vocations; in their call to way of life, call to work and the universal call to holiness.