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Our Lady and St Rose of Lima Catholic Primary School home page

Our Lady and St Rose of Lima
Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Learning, Living, Loving Together in Christ


Welcome to the PTFA web page!  


The PTFA at St Rose, are a group of parents who, working with Miss Neville, aim to help to raise funds for the wonderful children at our school.  


As a group, we meet on a regular basis to discuss how we can provide enrichment opportunities for the children both during school and at after school events.


Any money raised by the PTFA is always used to fund events for our children.  We dedicate our time to the events held and do not receive any payment for it - we purely did this to provide exciting and enriching opportunities for the children.


Thank you to all the parents who have supported the PTFA since last year.  We really appreciate the help that has been given along with the fantastic ideas that people have given us for future fundraising events.

Would you like to join the PTFA?

Are you a baker? 

Maybe you are someone who is good at crafts? 

Perhaps you have connections with a business or organisation that could support us?


At the moment, we are a small group but we know we could achieve so much more if more people from the school community were also involved.  We know there are many talented and imaginative members of our school community and we would love more people to join the PTFA. 


We meet on a Friday morning in the parish hall, normally at the beginning of each half term, to discuss ideas and then host activities for the children on the last Friday of each half term.