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Our Lady and St Rose of Lima Catholic Primary School home page

Our Lady and St Rose of Lima
Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Learning, Living, Loving Together in Christ


At St Rose, we value the relationship between home and school and, to this end, we provide a range of different opportunities for our children to continue their learning at home.  The type of homework given across the school is as follows:


Homework is given to our Nursery children from Autumn 2 onwards, once they have settled into school.  The homework they receive includes the following:


Reading books

Our children are given reading for pleasure books for their parents to read with them daily and log on Boom Reader.


Online learning

As part of their Maths homework, the children should go onto the Numbots website and complete 10 minutes per week.


Topics to research for 'Show and Tell'

Each week, we provide our children with a different topic or theme (see example below) that they should research and bring in an item that they have made or a photograph to talk about.  The children should bring this in on a Friday when we have 'Show and Tell;.


Homework is given to our Reception children on a weekly basis and is designed to secure their basic skills in Reading, Writing and Maths.  It includes the following:



Our Reception children will receive both a phonics book and a reading for pleasure book each week.  

  • The phonics book should be read daily with their parent and logged on Boom Reader.
  • The reading for pleasure book is for the child's parent to enjoy reading with them.


Literacy Homework

We will send sounds, words and handwriting linked to what our children have been learning in Phonics.

A set of High Frequency words will also be sent home to help them practise their reading and writing throughout the year.


Online Learning

As part of their home learning, we would like our children to do the following:

  • Numbots (10 minutes per week) as part of their Maths homework.
  • Active Learn / Reading Eggs / J2Blast on BGFL - this is optional online learning but we would encourage them to do as much as possible at home.



KS1 Homework

In Years 1 and 2, our homework is designed to help our children develop their basic skills.  The following homework tasks should be completed on a daily basis:



Numbots - all children should complete 10 minutes of Numbots online each evening.  This helps to secure their understanding of number bonds.



All children will be provided with either a phonics and / or a stage book.  This should be read daily with their parents and logged on Boom Reader.



A list of spellings will be provided each Friday for them to practise daily at home.  The children will be tested in school on the following Friday.

KS2 Homework

In KS2, the children will be provided with a range of tasks to secure their understanding in a variety of subjects.  There will be some daily tasks and some weekly tasks, including the following:


Daily Tasks

Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) - all children should complete 10 minutes of TTRS online to help secure their multiplication understanding.


Reading - all children will be provided with a stage book that should be read each night and logged on Boom Reader.


Spellings -  a list of spellings will be provided for the children each Friday for them to practise daily at home.  The children will be tested in school on the following Friday.


Weekly Tasks

Weekly Retrieval Quiz (given each Friday to be completed by the following Thursday)

Foundation topic retrieval quiz - a short, online multiple-choice quiz will be provided for the children to complete on the topic they have studied in class.


Weekly Maths or English Homework (given each Friday to be returned by the following Thursday)

In addition to the weekly retrieval quiz, we will provide the children with either a piece of Maths or English homework for them to complete at home.  This will relate to the learning they have done in class and will help to consolidate the skills they have been taught.


Children in Year 6 may receive additional Maths and English to prepare them for the end of key stage SATs.