School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.
Remote Learning
OLSR Policies
- Accessibility plan.pdf
- Anti Bullying Policy Policy November 2023.pdf
- Attendance and Punctuality Policy.pdf
- Bad Weather Procedures.pdf
- Behaviour Policy (Pastoral and Positive Behaviour Policy).pdf
- Charging and remissions policy.pdf
- Complaints Policy (Diocese).pdf
- Educational Visits Policy.pdf
- Equality Policy.pdf
- First Aid Policy.pdf
- General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) Policy.pdf
- Health and Safety Policy (Whole School).pdf
- Health and Safety in the Curriculum.pdf
- Home School Agreement.pdf
- ICT and internet acceptable use policy.pdf
- Marking and Assessment Policy.pdf
- Mobile Device Policy.pdf
- Online Safety Policy.pdf
- Parent Conduct Policy.pdf
- Photography and Video Policy.pdf
- RE and Collective Worship Policy.pdf
- Relationships Health and Sex Education Policy.pdf
- Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy .pdf
- Safer recruitment policy.pdf
- Special Educational Needs Policy.pdf
- Social Media Policy.pdf
- Staff Code of Conduct.pdf
- Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Policy.pdf
- Uniform Policy.pdf
- Visiting Speakers Policy.pdf