Spring 2 Homework...
Your child's homework for this half term is to practice their spellings, read every night and log it onto GoRead/Boom Reader and they must do 10 minutes of TTRS on the garage category. In addition to this, your child can choose to complete the extended learning task uploaded for them on J2Homework.

We have put the full focus of the children's homework for Autumn 1 on home reading, times tables and spellings as these are the fundamental skills the children will find beneficial when it comes to their other areas of learning so it is VERY important that they are completing their homework every night.
In addition to the spellings, presentation of our work is a big push at St Rose therefore, handwriting practice sheets with their spellings on are attached below for you to print which can encourage presentation.
If you cannot print the spelling resource, please do not hesitate to speak to me and we can discuss alternative ways of focusing on presentation and handwriting at home.
If you are struggling with getting onto GoRead/BoomReader please visit the document links below to access the instruction guides.
If you have any other queries or need duplicates of login codes, please do not hesitate to come and see me or to email the office on enquiry@olstrose.bham.sch.uk
Once again, many thanks for your support!
Your child can choose to complete the extended learning task assigned to them on J2Homework (a tile found on the BGFL dashboard).
The homework tasks will be set on a Friday and will be due in by the following Thursday at 8:30am.
Your child can decide how they would like to present their homework for marking. This can be on J2e5 which can be added to their files or it can be completed in their homework books and returned to school by the deadline.