Catholic Virtues and Class wish Award
Please view our Catholic Virtues and class wish award winners!
Autumn 1-
Class Wish- For our Class wish award we have chosen Aurora. For the past half term, she has tried so hard in her lessons and produced some amazing work! She has been such a good friend at lunch and break times! She always listens to her teachers and is often our Phonics Queen during the week! She is a kind; warm-hearted girl and we are so happy to be able to give it to Aurora! Well Done!
Catholic Virtues Luminary- We are so happy to give it to Nahom. He has been generous this half term by sharing our PE equipment. He is always caring to others and is often happy to give things up to make people smile. He has been Grateful this half term to his teaches who he often says please and thank you to. He has also been grateful to all staff in school particularly at lunchtime. He has been grateful to God during RE expressing thanks for creation and praying for those in need.
Autumn 2-
Class Wish- For our Class wish award we have chosen Reid. For the past half term, he has tried so hard in his lessons and his hard work has paid off especially in his phonics and getting 10 more right than the previous practice go! He has been such a good friend at lunch and break times! He is a kind; warm-hearted boy and we are so happy to be able to give it to Reid! Well Done!
For our Catholic virtues award, we have chosen Florence. She has been Attentive throughout all her lessons, listening to what her teachers have been saying and putting this into practise. She has also been attentive when she plays with our friends and are kind. She has also been Discerning as she is always showing Mr Abnett and Miss Cashmore beautiful sitting on the carpet. She always makes good choices and tries to be like Jesus In her daily life.
Spring 1-
For our Class wish award we have chosen Darasimi. For the past half term, he has tried so hard in his lessons and his hard work has paid off with his handwriting! He has been such a good friend at lunch and break times! He is a kind; warm-hearted boy and we are so happy to be able to give it to Darasimi! Well Done!
For our Catholic virtues award, we have chosen Willow. She has been Loving throughout all this year so far. She is loving to her classmates and teachers all the time and has lovely manners. She has also been compassionate when she plays with our friends and are kind. She is always showing Mr Abnett and Miss Cashmore beautiful sitting on the carpet. She always makes good choices and is a wonderful member of Year 1.
Spring 2-
Our Catholic Virtues luminary is Kaleab he has shone this half term! He has been Faith-filled when he has consumed God’s forgiveness if something goes wrong in the playground. He also strives to be the very best versions of himself. He always puts Jesus first and tries to act as Jesus would at all times! He has been hopeful as Kaleab always makes the right choices and decisions in his daily lives.
Our Class wish award goes to Monda! She has embellished our class wish so far this half term and year! She is always helpful to her friends and teachers. She is polite and kind hearted which is amazing for someone who is 6 years old! She wants to learn all the time and produces amazing work! She is working so hard and this is paying off in her Phonics scores and we have no doubt she will smash it!!
Summer 1-
Our class wish award this term goes to Grayson. He has embodied our class wish award this term. He has been helpful to all his friends and teachers. He is a kind boy who tries his best with all of his work. Especially his handwriting which looks amazing for someone in Year 1! He has been trying hard to practise all of our sounds ready for the phonics test next half term and has scored 38/40 in his last test! Well done Grayson!
Our catholic virtues luminaire is Emelya, she has made some amazing progress from the start of Year 1. Not only does she always make the right choices, but she tries her hardest to strive and achieve our Catholic virtues this half term. She has been eloquent when answering questions on the carpet and with her friends during discussion time. She has been truthful in telling the truth if something may have happened at break time and lunchtime! She has made great progress in her phonics too and I am sure that she will smash the phonics test next half term! Well done Emeyla!
Summer 2-
Our class wish award goes to Jaxon. Miss Cashmore and I couldn’t think of a better person to give this award to. Jaxon is an amazing representative of year 1 and has really pushed himself this half term, whether that being in lesson time or helping out with extra jobs in the classroom such as the zone board and helping with our tablets. His attitude towards learning has been amazing and we can see how hard he has worked, especially in his phonics screening test which he did brilliantly! Well done Jaxon!
Our catholic virtues luminary is Pebbelz. Being learned and wise are our main focus' for our catholic virtues for this half term and Pebbelz has really shown she is deserving of this reward. She is always kind to all students in the class, she is constantly smiling and laughing and has a great attitude towards learning. She has made amazing progress across the whole of Year 1 and has flourished in her reading! She has been wise and can always see what is important to her learning to help her achieve all of her knowledge goals or success criteria. Well done Pebbelz!