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Our Lady and St Rose of Lima
Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Learning, Living, Loving Together in Christ

Catholic Virtues Luminaries

Year 5 Catholic Virtues Award


Each half term, we focus on two different Catholic Virtues.  As a class, we explore what the virtues mean and how we can show we are fulfilling them on a daily basis.  During the half term, the class will nominate a person who has fulfilled the Catholic Virtues and will award them with the 'Virtues' award

Spring 2 Catholic Virtues: Faith-filled and Hopeful

Our Catholic Virtues of Faith-filled and Hopeful are demonstrated by Eros on a daily basis.  He is a hard-worker and his RE work is always well thought out, insightful and shows that he reflects on his faith and the work he produces.  We believe Eros is a shining example to other members of our class as he always looks on the positive side of life, has a great attitude towards his work and shows real care for others in the class.  His cheery demeanour helps to brighten our classroom and we are very lucky to have such a shining example of our catholic virtues in our class.  Well done Eros.


Spring 1 Catholic Virtues: Compassionate and Loving

Grace truly epitomises the catholic virtues of being compassionate and loving, so choosing her for our class luminary was easy.  In everything she does, Grace shows great compassion and care for everyone.  She is attentive to the needs of her friends, classmates and teachers and her soft nature always puts everyone at ease.  Her ability to demonstrate these virtues on a daily basis is also evident in her work, which is always well thought and her RE work shows how she is able to be truly reflective.  Grace is a fabulous member of Year 5 and we are all very lucky to have her as part of our team.


Autumn 2 Catholic Virtues: Attentive and Discerning

We have chosen Rose our Catholic Virtues luminary for this half term as we truly believe she embodies the virtues of being attentive and discerning.  We recognise the effort she makes for others in the classroom and the care she shows her classmates.  It is clear that she only the wants the best for everyone and is there to help them when they need support. Rose has beautiful manners and always tries her hardest to be the very best person that she can be, showing that she thinks carefully about the path that God would want her to take.  


Autumn 1 Catholic Virtues: Grateful and Generous

We have chosen Andrea as our Catholic Virtues Luminary this half term. She is always so generous with her time and advice when she helps class mates who show signs of needing help. She has a very caring soul so is always generously ready to offer support to those who need it. She has shown gratitude towards the adults in Year 5 when they have helped her or taught her something new. We are extremely proud of her! Well done, Andrea.