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Our Lady and St Rose of Lima
Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Learning, Living, Loving Together in Christ

Class Wish Luminaries

Summer 2 - Isabella Kolecka-Walker

Isabella always strives to be the best version of herself, in keeping with our class wish of following in Jesus' footsteps, making the right choices and becoming the best version of ourselves. She works hard in all that she does, presents her work beautifully, is a friend to everybody in the class and is a kind and thoughtful person. She always pushes to improve, and her determination and hard work are an example for others in Year 4. Well done Isabella!

Summer 1 - Ebony Hull

Ebony is somebody who always works very hard, she comes to school with a big smile, and she is a delight to have in the class. This half term in particular she has worked very hard on her maths, and her writing is getting better and better. She embodies our class wish of being the best version of herself, and her determination and resilience are characteristics that she should be very proud of. Well done Ebony!


Spring 2 - Jacob McCorley Ross


Jacob has embodied our class wish of being the best version of himself this half term exceptionally. He has come to school each day with a desire to learn, to improve and to do well. Jacob has improved in all aspects of his schoolwork, and the different members of staff that he works with have all commented on his hard work this term! He is a friendly, hardworking boy who always tries his best. We are very proud of how hard he is working in Year 4, and we hope that Jacob is proud of himself too!

Spring 1 - Jenilia Kunnathottu James


Jenilia is a model student and a fantastic role model for others in her year and in the school. Our class wish is to always be the best version of ourselves, and Jenilia is somebody who continually strives to improve. Over the course of Year 4 she has worked hard to improve her writing skills and now produces outstanding pieces of work. Her attitude towards school and learning are exceptional, and we are enormously proud of how hard she works. Well done Jenilia!

Autumn 2 - Mark Akena


Mark is an absolute joy to have in the class. His infectious enthusiasm brightens our day; he embodies our class wish of being the best version of himself. He has been a star in our maths lessons, giving answers for times table questions with speed and confidence, and he is a role model for his singing in our nativity rehearsals! He is also a leading light for homework, always completing his reading and his TTRS homework. Well done Mark!

Autumn 1 - Ayah Wasea


Ayah was an easy choice for Mrs Hawkins and I this half term for Class Wish luminary. Our Class Wish centers on following in Jesus' footsteps and being "the best version of ourselves" and Ayah is a model student for always trying her best. Ayah starts every day with a smile, and no matter the topic, lesson or subject, pushes herself to achieve. She never rests on her laurels, always striving to learn more, and always doing this with a smile. Ayah is somebody who I believe is a fantastic role model not only to other pupils in her class, but also to students in the wider school. We are enormously proud of her in Year 4!