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Our Lady and St Rose of Lima Catholic Primary School home page

Our Lady and St Rose of Lima
Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Learning, Living, Loving Together in Christ

Important Notices

Summer 2

Nursery Graduation Party

18th July 2024


This year, Nursery will be having a short graduation party on Thursday 18th July in the last week of the school term. This will take place in the Nursery classroom, and we are inviting parents to join us for the party from 2.20-3.20pm. The party will include party food for the children to enjoy, Nursery performing a song, a slideshow of some pictures from the year, and Nursery receiving a certificate and their learning journey books. It is a celebration of how hard they have worked this year and an opportunity for us to show them how proud we are! After the party, the children will then go home at 3.20pm, as normal.


Please ensure your child comes in normal school uniform on this day. We will then be changing them into their graduation outfits at school ready for the party. You will each receive a photo of them in their outfit to take home and keep. Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see you on Thursday 18th July. Remember Nursery are in from 8.45am- 3.20pm and parents can join us for the party from 2.20pm.


EYFS Farm Trip- Ash End Farm

9th July 2024

A trip has been organised for the Nursery and Reception Pupils to visit Ash End Farm in Tamworth, on Thursday 09th July 2024. We will be travelling by coach, leaving school at 9.00am and returning to school at about 3.00 pm. A packed lunch will be provided from the school kitchen, for those children who would normally have a school meal. The children are very excited about this trop and to visit the different animals on the farm!


A letter has been sent home to all parents or guardians at home- if you have lost your letter please contact the class teacher and we can get a new one for you. The parental contribution to the cost of the trip is £11 per pupil and is only payable via Parent Pay. If you require your login details for Parent Pay, please contact the school office. Please return the permission slip below, to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible. We need permission slips and payment from you for your child to go on the trip!  Thank you for your support.

Summer 1

Book Fair- Week 3

24th April-1st May


  • The Book Fair is now only a week away! It will be in school Wednesday 24th April- Tuesday 30th April in in Week 3. The Book Fair will run after school in the School Hall on these days from 3.30pm-4pm.
  • This is where you can come and buy books for you keep and take home. There are lots of different books for all different year groups.  There are a huge variety of books for different age groups, and they include fiction and non- fiction. We do this to engage you in reading and to get free books for our school!
  • We are going cashless once again! Only card and phone payments will be accepted. If you can’t make the book fair don’t panic! You can also pay for books online using the following link. Parent payments - Scholastic Book Fairs
  • Please look at the timetable for the book fair below and only come on the day of your child’s year group. This is to avoid very busy queues and waiting times! There are also links for parent invitations where you can scroll through the books that you may want to buy for your child. We can’t wait to see you at the book fair!



Autumn 2


Please find a list below of notable dates for this half-term. This will be updated regularly so please check back to see if there has been anything new added.



(6th November - 22nd December 2023)


   Monday 6th November                                                                    

Teacher Training Day


Tuesday 7th NovemberChildren return to school
Friday 10th November

Rememberance Day in School

Wear a poppy

Friday 17th November

Children in Need

Wear Spots or Yellow and bring £1

Wednesday 12th December 2023

Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner 

Reading for Pleasure Event 


Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th December 

EYFS Nativity

              18th December - 2pm                     19th December -9.30am  


Wednesday 20th December 2023 

EYFS and KS1 Trip to Theatre

Little Red Riding Hood 

Friday 22nd December 2023                         Break up for Christmas                         




School Photos- Monday 25th September 2023


On Monday 25th September 2023 there will be school photos for every child in the school. Please ensure your child attends school on this day and dresses smartly. The Photos of your children will be available to buy and order from the school office afterwards- please speak to the school office staff for more details.