Spring 2 Homework
Homework in Year 2
At St Rose, we believe a blended learning approach enhances the children's learning experience both within school and at home. The children use BGFL daily within the classroom and have access to many of the resources we provide in the lessons. As a result, they also have access to this at home and can therefore use these to support their home learning.
Daily Homework Tasks
Children benefit from daily reading. It not only develops their fluency and understanding, but also enables their imagination to grow which then feeds into their writing. In addition, regular practise of number bonds is essential for Mathematics. In light of this, the children in Year 2 are expected to read daily, and log it onto Boom Reader, along with daily practise on Numbots. Each pupil will receive one Phonics book (linked to the sound they are learning) and one 'pleasure for reading book'. These will be given out every Friday.
ALL children MUST complete the daily Numbots and reading each week.
If you are unable to access the internet at home, please ensure your child tells me in advance so that I can make alternative arrangements however, where possible, online learning is preferred as it encourages your child to be more independent and develop their technology skills at home.