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Our Lady and St Rose of Lima Catholic Primary School home page

Our Lady and St Rose of Lima
Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Learning, Living, Loving Together in Christ


Why do Nursery have a staggered start to school?


Nursery have a staggered start to school in Autumn 1, so that they feel settled, safe and comfortable in their new class, and get to know their new teachers. Please see the staggered start times for Nursery below. You can also see and download a copy of the Nursery Transition Handbook for 2022-2023.



Week beginning 11th September

Group 1- 9am- 11.15

Group 2- 1.00-3.15

Week beginning 19th September


All Children in from 8:45 – 11.30am



Week beginning 26th September



All Children in from 8:45 – 1.30pm ( Staying for Lunch.)

Week beginning 4th October




All Children in full time from 8.45-3.30 Monday- Thursday.

On Fridays ALL children finish at 1pm.


**Please note there is no session on Friday 9th September or Friday 16th September *

Nursery Parent Handbook 2023-2024