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Our Lady and St Rose of Lima
Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Learning, Living, Loving Together in Christ

Our Learning Journey

Summer 2

Maths-Week 6

10.7.2024- Sequencing Routine


In Maths Nursery have been learning about sequencing different activities in their daily routine. We have discussed different activities we do such as waking up, eating breakfast, coming to school, having dinner etc and discussing when we do these during the day.


The children have sequenced these activities, putting them in order and have also sorted various pictures based on whether we do them during the morning or during the evening. They have all been fantastic at telling us what activities they do when. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. Well done children!

Nursery Farm Trip- Ash End Farm

Week 6 9.7.2024


On Tuesday 9th July we had our school trip to Ash End Farm where Nursery and Reception had great fun observing and feeding all the animals. We were able to fed goats and sheep and got very close to horses and cows to observe their features. The children also held newborn chicks and were so brave and gentle with them, even giving them little strokes and tickles!


We were so proud of Nursery and Reception and their behaviour was wonderful on the trip- they listened so well to the farmers and adults and had great fun seeing the farm animals and exploring the outdoor play area. This really helped with our Growing and Changing and Animal topic in Understanding the World and well done to all the children!

Assessment Week

Week 5- 1.7.2024

In Week 5 the children in Nursery have been completing their end of term assessments. We have been so impressed with how well they have progressed in their Literacy and Maths.


The children have been working 1:1 with us and have been showing us different skills they have learnt over the year such as writing their name, practising Phase 1 Phonics rhyming and syllables, matching number to quantity to 5, showing finger numbers, identifying patterns and muh more.


Nursery have absolutely blown our socks off and we are so proud of what they have achieved this year and how well they have done in their learning. You can see their results in their end of term reports which will go out to parents on Friday 12th July. Well done all the children - you are all superstars!

Expressive Arts- Week 4

Secondary Colours 25.6.2024


Nursery have continued with learning about colour this week and have learnt all about the secondary colours of green, purple and orange. We have discussed what different things in the world are these colours and what we can see around the classroom.


The children have then done different sorting activities using these colours and have made beautiful collages of the secondary colours using their cutting and sticking skills. Nursery also did a mixing activity using paint and finger painting to show how they could make secondary colours- they enjoyed getting very messy! You can see pictures of the children enjoying Art below. Well done Nursery! 

Maths-Week 3

20.6.2024- Identifying 2D Shapes

Nursery have been carrying on learning about 2D shapes in Maths and have been making different arrangements and pictures using them. We have been focusing on selecting shapes appropriately and combining shapes to make new ones and new pictures.


The children have been able to use shapes to make pictures such as houses, people, various seaside objects and different transport. We have also been cutting out shapes and matching them to their correct tracing. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. Great work Nursery!

Literacy-Week 4

24.6.2024- Chicken Licken

Nursery have continued to learn about the story of Chicken Licken this week and have been sequencing the story in pairs. They used different pictures from the story and put them in order, talking about the events that happened. The children have also reviewed key vocabulary and have been been acting out the story using props and masks. Please enjoy looking at the photos of our Literacy lessons below and well done to everyone!  

Maths-Week 3

20.6.2024- Identifying 2D Shapes


This week in Maths Nursery have been identifying and describing various 2D shape. The children have been exploring these shapes and talking about their features such as corners and sides. We realise that these shapes are different and can talk about their differences.


Nursery have been identifying and sorting different shapes, matching shapes together that are the same and talking about why. We have also been making shape pictures using various 2D shape and have been cutting out shapes and putting them into the right places based on their features and colours. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. Well done children!

Expressive Arts- Week 1 and 2

Primary Colours


Nursery have started a brand new topic of colour this half term and have started with learning all about the primary colours. They have focused on the colours red, blue and yellow and have been discussing what objects are these colours.


The children have then done different paintings using the colours red, blue and yellow and have also made collages using these colours. We have also been sorting colours into different piles and sorting different objects and items by their colours. You can see pictures of the children enjoying Art below. Well done Nursery! 

RE- Sunday in Church

Week 3 and 4 

In RE this week we have learnt about Sunday being a special day of rest and prayer. The children know that Sunday is when God's family meets in church and takes time to focus on God. We discussed how this also links to the Creation story and God resting on Day 7, the final day.


To show our learning in class the children made a class collage of their church and put on themselves as God's family. We discussed how we meet in God's family in Church on Sunday. Nursery also took time to think about different activities we do on Sunday that make that day special such as praying, going to church and spending precious time with our friends and families.


We have also been reviewing our work on objects in church and have been naming and identifying special objects that we see and know. The children added initial sounds to different church objects and talked about what they were used for. You can see pictures below enjoying their RE lessons this week- well done everyone!

Literacy-Week 3

16.6.2024- Chicken Licken

Nursery have been learning a brand new story in Literacy this week. We have been focusing on the story of Chicken Licken and learning all about the events in this story and what happened. The children have been repeating and learning the different names of the characters and understanding that they rhyme.


Nursery have made masks of the characters and decorated them in different ways and have also gone over key vocabulary from the story, to repeat, recap and memorise. The children have had great fun acting out the story using props and stick puppets, making various props from the story using playdough and matching up various characters and talking about them.


All of Nursery are now familiar with the story and can name some of the characters form Chicken Licken. Please enjoy looking at the photos of our Literacy lessons below and great work everyone!  

Throwing Skills- Week 2 



This week Nursery have been working on their throwing and aiming skills throwing beanbags into a hoop on the floor. They were trying to aim for a target and throwing the beanbag with the appropriate strength and speed so it landed in the hoop. We then linked it to Maths with more and fewer and discussed and compared the different quantities in the hoops. The children compared the different amounts in their hoops and talked about who had more beanbags and who had fewer. You can see pictures of Nursery working on their skills below and having a fantastic time- well done children!



Literacy-Week 2

10.6.2024- Names

This week Nursery have been focusing on name writing and understanding that print has meaning and that different letters mean something. The children have been identifying their own names and finding the right letters to match the letters in the name.


Nursery have also been writing their names- we have been so impressed by all the children who can write all or some of their name independently. All of the class had such a good go and tried so hard so well done to you all. 


Remember to keep practising your name writing at home and please enjoy looking at pictures of the children writing their names below.  Well done to everyone in Nursery!

RE- God's Family

Week 2 11.6.2024

We have been carrying on with God's Family in RE and have been learning about the church family this week. The children have focused on our parish priest Father Gary and went to our local church to see and identify the objects there.


The children were amazed to see a range of different objects in the church such as The Bible, crosses, statues, The Altar, stained glass windows and the font. They showed much interest in finding out what these objects were sued for in the church. We then came back to class do discuss what we had to seen and to identify different objects.


The children now understand that we are all a family in the eyes of God and that our church family is very special. We also know that Father Gary looks after St Rose church and all the people who go there, in his role as the parish priest. You can see pictures below enjoying their RE lessons this week- well done everyone!

Maths-Week 2

14.6.2024- More and Fewer


In Maths the children have been learning all about more and fewer. We have been discussing what these terms mean and using actions to support us. Nursery have been comparing different quantities and looking at different groups of bears and sweets and talking about which has more and fewer.


The children have even digging for treasure outside in the soil and have been putting their finds into ten frames and comparing who has more and fewer. Nursery have also been catching beanbags in buckets and comparing how many they caught. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. Well done children!

RE- God's Family

Week 1 4.6.2024

Nursery have started a brand new topic all about God's family and have been discussing this week the special people in our own families and those who care for us.  The children have been painting pictures of people who care for us and verbally telling us who is in our families, what they do for us and saying thankyou to them.


It has been so lovely for us to hear all about the wonderful people who care for the children in Nursery. You can see pictures below enjoying their RE lessons this week- well done everyone!

Understanding the World 

Week 1-  Animals and Babies



The children have started a brand new topic this week of learning about animals and babies. We have been sorting animals and babies and talking about the different vocabulary such as goat and kid, horse and foal, chick and chicken etc.


Nursery have also been drawing the life cycle of caterpillars and butterflies to complete their work on our butterfly pets in our classroom. This helped us to understand, sort and talk about how some animals babies look similar and look different. You can see pictures of their lesson from this week below- great work Nursery!

Maths-Week 1

6.6.2024- Comparing Weight


In Maths this week we have learnt a brand new topic- the concept if weight and measuring different objects. The children have been using scales and have been practically measuring different objects, talking about how the scales move and go up or down.


Nursery now know that if the scales go down the object is heavier and if the scales go up the object is lighter. They have been brilliant and comparing and measuring the weight of different things and have also done lots of sorting of light and heavy objects. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. Amazing work children!

Literacy-Week 1

3.6.2024- Logos


For our first week back the children have been learning all about different logos. We have learnt what a logo is and that it is an image, design or letter which shows us different products, objects or places. This helped Nursery to understand that print has meaning and can be used for different purposes.


The children then identified and talked about different logos that they knew and also had a go at drawing different logos on rolls of paper. We also did matching and sorting activities using logos. You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Literacy lessons from this week and some of their wonderful work. Well done children!

Summer 1

RE- The Holy Spirit

Week 7- 21.5.2024

Nursery have finished off their topic of Pentecost by learning about The Holy Spirit and its power. We have been discussing how it can help us throughout our lives and guide us in difficult and hard decisions. The children have been talking about how they can use The Holy Spirit to help them be kind, loving and patient with each other.


Nursery have said and drawn their own prayers to The Holy Spirit asking for help and guidance and have also painted pictures of the story of Pentecost and The Holy Spirit coming to the disciples. We have also continued to act out the story together and discussed its meaning. 


The children have also been talking about the colours of fire and Pentecost, and have been exploring colour mixing with red, yellow and orange. The children then pained pictures using the new colours they had made.  You can see pictures below of Nursery writing their prayers to the Holy Spirit- amazing work children!

Understanding the World 

Week 7- Humans and Changing


For our final week of Growing and Changing Nursery have been learning all about the life cycles and stages of humans and how we grow and change throughout our lives. We have been talking about how we begin as babies, grow into children and then become adults and so on. Nursery have been sequencing the growing stages of humans and have been talking and discussing about what they can do now as children, compared to what they couldn't do when they were babies.


We then moved onto learning about adults and their role in the community, and learnt about the different jobs that we can have when we are older. Nursery learnt about different jobs that exist such as doctors, police officers, chefs, dentists, teachers and so on. We discussed what these different jobs do and played a game where we had to match the clues and explanations to the jobs. 


The children also thought about their own vocations and made a drawing with themselves in a job they would like for when they older, explaining why they want that job. You can see pictures of their lesson from this week below- great work Nursery!

Expressive Arts- Week 7

22.5.2024-Paul Klee


Nursery have finished their topic of Line in the final week and have been learning all about Pau Klee's Self Portraits. We have discussed the features of his work and have observed how his face paints are abstract and do not look realistic.


The children also talked about the features they had on their face such eyebrows, lips, mouths and noses and then drew their own self-portraits of themselves using mirrors and all of these features. 

You can see pictures of the children's wonderful Art work below. Great work everyone!

Understanding the World 

Week 6- Farmers and Food


 This week in our Growing and Changing topic we have learnt all about farmers and their food. The children have been learning about different food and crops that farmers grow and then harvest for us to eat.


Nursery have been trying different foods and describing them and fruit printing using aa variety of vegetables. The children also went outside and looked at different fruit and vegebtales that we grow in our school and talked about them. They were shown how they are planted, grown and then harvested. 


The children also acted out farmers and growing food using farms in the small world area. They were brilliant at telling us how farmers grow and collect the food for us to enjoy! You can see pictures of their lesson from this week below- great work Nursery!

Maths-Week 6

16.5.2024- Comparing Length



Nursery have been learning about a new topic of length in Maths for this week and have been learning the new vocabulary of 'longer' and 'shorter.' We have been measuring our own bodies and different outdoor toys and equipment using different body parts such as our hands and feet. The children then counted up the amount of hands or feet that the object measured. They have also been finding different classroom objects and sorting them into long and short, based on their length. have been sorting objects into long and short.


The children have also been putting objects end to end and comparing their length, talking about which is shorter and longer. They even made different length snakes out of playdough and talked about which was longer and shorter. Nursery have been brilliant learning about length and we will continue with this next week. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. Great work children!

RE- Pentecost

Week 4 and 5- 14.5.2024

We have been carrying on with our topic of Pentecost throughout this half term and have so enjoyed learning and retelling the story. Nursery have listened to the story from the Bible and have acted out the story using wind and fire headbands, to help with their understanding.


The children have also been talking about the colours of fire and Pentecost, and have been exploring colour mixing with red, yellow and orange. The children then pained pictures using the new colours they had made.


Nursery have been wonderful at retelling the story of Pentecost and understanding that The Holy Spirit and God's Power had come to the disciples to help them and look after them.  You can see pictures below of Nursery retelling the story and colour mixing in their RE lesson this week- great work children!

Literacy-Week 5 and 6

13.5.2024-Three Little Pigs

We have been enjoying a brand new story over the last few weeks with Nursery learning the story of the three little pigs. We have been listening to the story and identifying key vocabulary such as wolf, pigs, huffed and puffed, straw house, stick house etc.


The children have impressed us with their acting out of the story using puppets and identifying key vocabulary using word mats. This week, we have then moved onto identifying key characters from the story using describing vocabulary and adjectives and sequencing and story mapping the story. The children have been able to sequence the story in order using pictures, retell and talk about what happened and even add initial sounds- great work everyone!


You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Literacy lessons from the last two weeks and some of their amazing story map work. Well done children!

Maths-Week 5

9.5.2024- Recognising Numbers


This week in Maths Nursery have been recognising numbers to 5 in their lessons. They have been writing different numbers to 5 and praticising their number formation, ensuring their letters are the right way round. We have also been playing different number and pairing games, finding numbers that are the same and saying what they are.


The children have also been completing number correspondence activities independently and roleplaying number rhymes that they know well. Fantastic work everyone! You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. 

Expressive Arts- Week 5

8.5.2024-Paul Klee


Nursery have continued with their topic of Lines and have been learning all about Paul Klee this week. We have been observing and discussing his work and paintings in groups and talking about the lines, colours and shapes that we see. The children have also used pastels to create their own portraits of faces in the style of Paul Klee's 'Senecio.' 


We had some wonderful discussions of Paul Klee's paintings and were so wowed by the amazing pictures that the children made.. You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Art lesson below. Great work Nursery! 

Maths-Week 4

1.5.2024- Number to Quantity


 In Maths this week the children have finishing their numbers to 5 work by matching different numbers to quantity. We have challenged ourselves by reviewing numbers within 5 but also matching to 10, where children are confident.  The children have been matching number to quantities both in focus groups and independently and have also worked on matching numbers using different resources such as numicon, trains and cubes.


Nursery have also been making different number collages to 5 using cutting and stick, looking at the different ways we can write and show the number. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. 

Literacy-Week 4


Nursery have been continuing with their story of Sam Plants a Sunflower this week. We have been retelling the story orally in pairs using the book to help us and have been fantastic at using our key vocabulary such as shoots, bud, leaves, plant and sunflower.


The children have also been story mapping the story to show their understanding of what happened and to sequence events. This included drawing pictures, making marks and even writing initial sounds and words. We were so impressed with their wonderful story maps! You can see a sample of our story maps below from our Literacy lessons this week. Well done Nursery!


Weeks 3- Summer 1



 Nursery have finished off their final dance lessons this week. We have been focusing on people and different job today Seasons and Transport based on these ideas. The children have played a variety of games such as Follow the Leader, where they copied different people walking around the hall and mirroring partners where they and a friend had to copy each others movements.


We then discussed different jobs people have s such as cooks, teachers, firefighters, bus drivers and office workers. The children were wonderful at using their bodies in different ways to show the different jobs and could use different movements with their arms and legs and using different levels. Well done all of Nursery and you can see them enjoying their last PE lesson below. Great work everyone!

Expressive Arts- Week 3

24.4.2024-Different Types of Lines



The children are continuing with their new topic of line and reviewed the different lines that we know about such as straight, wavy and zigzag. The children were shown the different types of line and saw modelling by the teacher so that they knew how to create them in their drawings.


Nursery then made their own pictures of houses using different types of lines and their new knowledge. We had some beautiful pictures of houses and were amazed by the marks and lines the children could use. You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Art lesson below. Well done everyone!

Maths-Week 3

25.4.2024- Numbers to 5


 in Maths this week the children have been reviewing and focusing on numbers to 5. We have been recapping our numbers using flashcards and showing different ways of making these numbers using collages and various amounts.


Nursery have also been writing their numbers to 5 and have been brilliant at showing us number to quantity to 5 using different resources such as playdough, 5 frames, cubes, flashcards etc.


Nursery have shown great understanding and recognition of numbers to 5 and have really improved with their knowledge of number. You can see pictures of them enjoying their lessons this week below and well done Nursery!

RE- Learning about Air

Week 3- 23.4.2024

Nursery have started their new topic of Pentecost and have been learning all about what air is and how it makes things happen. The children have learnt how air is invisible but we know it is there, just like The Holy Spirit. 


We have been making windmills using split pins and paper and then using our air and breath to make them move and go round. Nursery have also explored blowing out candles using air and have discussed what this means. You can see  pictures below of Nursery learning about air in their RE lesson this week- well done children!

Understanding the World 

Week 3 and 4- Animals

 We have learnt about animals and their offspring and how they grow and change throughout their lives in Week 3. Nursery learnt about the different names of the animals and their babes e.g pig and piglet and talked about their similarities and differences. We then had different picture cards and had to sort animals with their offspring, using the correct vocabulary.  Nursery also listened to the story of The Hungry Caterpillar and sequenced the story and the life cycle of a butterfly in small groups.  You can see pictures of their lesson from this week below and well done everyone! 

Literacy-Week 3


Nursery have been learning about the brand new story of Sam Plants a Sunflower this week. We have been discussing key vocabulary from the story, especially to do with planting and have even sown our own sunflower seeds.


Nursery have been using fantastic vocabulary from the story such as shoot, bud, plant and sunflower and are brilliant at knowing how to plant a seed and what it needs to grow. We have enjoyed our new story and are looking forward to story mapping it next week. Please see photos of Nursery enjoying their Literacy lessons below.


Weeks 1 and 2- Summer 1



 Nursery are continuing to learn Dance for the first part of this half term. We have been focusing on Seasons and Transport and devising different actions or movements based on these ideas.


The children have come up with different actions to represent Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and thought about different activities we did in these seasons and how we could show these through Dance. They used their bodies to show things growing in Spring, ice skating in Winter and swimming in Summer etc.


We then moved onto transport where the children showed different transport through their actions such as trains, cars, space rockets, aeroplanes, boats and many more. We learnt how to use our different body parts to perform different shapes, jumps and travelling movements.


Well done all of Nursery and you can see them working having so much fun in their first PE lessons of this term below. Fantastic work everyone!


RE- Easter

Week 2- 16.4.2024

This week the children have continued to learn about the Easter Story and how Jesus came back to life after dying on the cross. We have been exploring the world 'alleluia' and talking about how this word means we are happy or joyous.


Nursery learnt about how the Easter Story is a time of celebration and rejoicing and that we can use Alleluia to show our feelings. They learnt an Alleluia Song and did actions to help them with remembering this special word. They also took turns painting a special Alleluia banner and took time to discuss what this word means for them.


You can see  pictures below of Nursery learning about Easter in their first RE lesson of the half term- well done children!

Maths-Week 2

18.4.2024- Total Amounts


 This week Nursery have continued to learn about total amounts where we have been talking about using the last number we say to know the value of the total.  Nursery have been counting different groups pf objects such as natural objects and groups of dinosaurs. We have also counted pom poms in egg boxes and different pieces of lego. The children have also been counting and colouring different amounts to and even 10!


Nursery have been fantastic at counting different amounts and this is very important for their Maths development.  Well done Nursery and you can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons below.

Understanding the World 

Week 2- Growing Plants

 Nursery have been learning about how plants grow this week in their Growing and Changing Topic. We have been talking about what plants need to grow and how they survive using water and sunlight. The children have been planting their own seeds and sequencing the stages of planting, learning about putting in soil and seed, adding water and then letting the plant grow. We have also been looking at flowers and plants that we grew a few weeks ago as part of our Literacy topic. We were amazed by how much they have grown and we are continuing to water and look after them.  You can see pictures of their plant lesson below and well done everyone! 

Literacy-Week 2

16.4.2024-Life Cycles

We have been finishing our story of The Hungry Caterpillar this week and have been acting out the story using masks and stick puppets. This has really helped the children to develop their understanding of the story and use key vocabulary.


Nursery have also been using their knowledge of the story to understand and sequence the butterfly life cycle. We have been exploring how an egg becomes a caterpillar, goes into a cocoon and then emerges as a butterfly. The children have been fantastic at sequencing this life cycle, putting it in order and talking about it.


Please ask your children about The Hungry Caterpillar story at home and see if they can tell you about the story. You can see photos of the children enjoying their Literacy lessons this week below. Nursery are going to be having our very own caterpillars in a few weeks time and we will be monitoring how they change and grow into butterflies right in our classroom so keep your eyes posted for photos of this! 

Expressive Arts- Week 1

Different Types of Lines


Nursery have started a brand new topic in Art, where they are learning all about different types of lines. In our first lesson we learnt about the lines that are straight, wavy and zigzag. 


The children did an activity wherre they sorted the different lines and described them, talking about what they could see. They also used their cutting skills to cut along different types of line and talked about the lines they were cutting. 


 You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Art lesson below. Nursery were fantastic at identifying and describing the different lines they saw around them. Well done everyone!

Understanding the World 

Week 1-Growing and Changing

This week Nursery have learnt about the different seasons on Earth and the different objects associated with them. This is part of our new Understanding the World Topic of Growing and Changing. The children matched different objects and activities to each season and went on a Spring hunt, looking for growing flowers, blossom and green leaves on trees etc. Children also looked at, compared and contrasted different leaves that they saw and their differences whilst also making a beautiful leaf class collage.  You can see pictures of their fossil lesson below and great work everyone! 


Maths-Week 1

11.4.2024- Total Amounts


 This week the children have been learning all about total amounts. We have discussed how the last number we say when counting is our total and that we can use this knowledge to say how many objects there are altogether.


Nursery have been counting different groups of objects such as natural resources like leaves and twigs, using 5 and 10 frames to count different spring objects and adding different toppings to their pizza. We have also been counting different sets of ingredients for The Little Red Hen to find the different amounts she needs to make her recipes.


Nursery have been fantastic at counting different amounts and this is very important for their Maths development. Mentally attaching a number name to an object within a group is an important skill for young children to master and we are very proud of all the children. Well done Nursery!

RE- Easter

Week 1- 9.4.2024


In the first week back Nursery have been learning all about the joyous story of Easter and how Jesus rose from the dead, after dying on the cross. The children have so enjoyed this story and were so happy and excited at the prospect of Jesus coming back to life!


We read through and discussed the story and key vocabulary such as tomb, Jesus, alive etc and also made our own tombs. The children painted the tombs and then decorated them with different materials and glue. They have shown wonderful understanding of the story and have taken such delight in telling us about it and how it makes them feel. You can see  pictures below of Nursery learning about Easter in their first RE lesson of the half term.

Literacy-Week 1

8.4.2024-The Hungry Caterpillar

Nursery have started a brand new story in Literacy this week- the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We have had great fun listening to this story and discussing key vocabulary together- the children could not believe how much the caterpillar ate!


We discussed key vocabulary from the story and did matching activities, talking about what the different words meant. Nursery also did wonderful pencil control from the story, practising their tripod pencil grips and holding the pencil correctly. We also acted out the story using puppets, did leaf threading and sorted big and small caterpillars and butterflies.


This story also links to out Growing and Changing in our Understanding the World Topic, where we learn all about the caterpillar life cycle and how they turn into butterflies. Nursery are going to be having our very own caterpillars in a few weeks time and we will be monitoring how they change and grow into butterflies right in our classroom so keep your eyes posted for photos of this! 

Spring 2

Maths-Week 5

21.3.2024- Extending Pattern

 This week the children have finished off their work on Patterns and have been copying and extending patterns that they see. This includes different ABAB patterns using colours, objects and shapes. We were amazed with how they could all extend and create different simple patterns.


Nursery have been able to tell us the next thing in the pattern and have been able to extend and copy the pattern themselves. Most of the children could even look at a pattern, identify the error and correct it so that it was then the correct pattern. They were able notice and correct an error in a repeating pattern. We are so pleased with their work on patterns and are very proud of them all. Well done Nursery!

RE- Holy Week

Weeks 5 March 2024


Over the last week Nursery have explored the theme of Holy Week and have been learning about the different events that happened at this time. We have so enjoyed acting out the story of Palm Sunday, waving handmade palm leaves, and eating bread and drinking squash to recreate The Last Supper.


The children have done various activities to help them with their understanding of these stories and finished the week with learning about the cross as a special symbol and finding different crosses around the school. We also went around the stations of the cross at our school and spoke about what happened to Jesus before he died.


The children have so impressed us with their reflection and reverence during this topic and we have displayed pictures below of Nursery learning about Holy Week for you to see. We hope you all have a relaxing, calm and peaceful Holy Week during the Easter Holidays.

Understanding the World 

Week 5- Fossils

This week Nursery have been exploring fossils and learning that they are the remains of things left from a long time ago. This could include bells, shells or imprints. To help with our understanding the children dug for dinosaur fossils in the sandpit and spoke about what they could see and discover. Nursery also made their own fossil imprints using playdough and learnt that this is similar to what fossils look like. You can see pictures of their fossil lesson below and great work everyone! 

Assessment Week in Nursery

Week 4



Week 4 saw Nursery take part in their termly assessments, which we do 1: 1 with them to assess their progress in Literacy and Numeracy. We were so amazed by the progress the children had made and how well they had done- they absolutely blew our socks off!


The children were able to count up to 10, identify numbers to talk about patterns, identify rhyming words and initial sounds and so much more. It is so wonderful to see all our children so well and we also want to thank our parents for your continued support at home, which makes such a difference. Well done to all of Nursery- we are so proud of you all on your progress!

Literacy-Week 3 and 4

10.3.2024-Jasper's Beanstalk

Over the last few weeks Nursery have been learning the story of Jaspers Beanstalk and have explored all about how Jasper grew his very own plant. They have been using key vocabulary such as 'planting, watering, raking, growing' etc and have enjoyed learning this story together.


To help with our understanding of the story we have sequenced the story together and roleplayed using puppets. The children have even planted their very own beans and are watching them grow. We hoe they grow as tall as Jasper's beanstalk! You can see pictures of the children enjoying the story in their Literacy lessons below.

Understanding the World 

Week 3- Paleontologists

This week the children have been learning about paleontologists and how they look at dinosaur bones to discover the past. Nursery have learnt about and explored the tools they used to find different objects and even tried out looking and finding different objects in the sand using digging tools and magnifying glasses. The children also looked at natural objects using these tools and described what they could see. We so enjoyed being explorers and investigated and finding different dinosaur bones and fossils in the sand! You can see pictures of the children enjoying their lesson from this week below. 




RE- Spring 2

Weeks 1-3- Lent


Nursery have been learning all about the time of Lent at the start of this half term and have been learning all about the colour of Lent and how it is observed as a time of reflection. Nursery have made a handprint collage of the colour purple together and wrote their own sorry and thankyou prayers to God. They also spoke about how in Lent we make good choices and discussed some that we could make such as being kind, helping each other up and sharing out toys. The children then decorated these choices in a heart.  We even made friendship flowers and bracelets for each other to show that we want to be loving and caring, just like Jesus. Nursery have really enjoyed this topic and you can see the pictures of them roleplaying below!

Maths-Week 2 

29.2.2024- Describing Pattern

 Nursery have been describing different patterns this week and have been comparing what they see. The children have matched up different pattern with spots, lines, stars etc and have also described patterns using natural materials such as leaves, sticks and rocks. 


The children have been wonderful at explaining patterns to us and they know that a pattern continues to repeat over and over.t. You can see photos below of Nursery enjoying their Maths learning below and perhaps you could ask them to even create some patterns at home for you, using objects around the house?!

Literacy-Week 2

27.2.2024-The Little Red Hen


 This week Nursery have finished their story of The Little Red Hen and have been very busy taking part in different activities to do with the story.We have made freezeframes of the story in different parts, sequenced images from the story on a story map and written lists to The Little Red Hen. The children have been practising their initial sounds and drawing different objects that the hen might need.


Nursery have so enjoyed retelling and learning this story and we are so proud of them. You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Literacy lessons below- well done Nursery!

Understanding the World 

Week 2- T Rex and Stegosaurus

The children have been learning about two different types of dinosaurs this week- The T-rex and Stegosaurus. We have been describing these two dinosaurs and talking about what they look like and their features.


Nursery have had great fun creating models of these dinosaurs, playing with them in the roleplay area, painting and describing them and even creating them from playdough. They have been fantastic at labelling the different parts of the dinosaurs such as claws, tails, plates and sharp teeth!You can see pictures of the children learning about these dinosaurs this week below- well done Nursery!

Phonics Initial Sounds

Spring 2 Week 1 and 2 2024


Nursery have been working really hard on their Phonics over the last few weeks and have been learning the sounds and actions for SATPIN. They have then been matching initial sounds to words and finding words which have the same sound e.g 'sun' and 'soup.'


The children have been working in small groups to say initial sounds and find the correct pictures which contain them. Nursery have been amazing with their Phonics skills and so focused! Well done everyone and you can see photos of them enjoying their Phonics lesson below. 

Expressive Arts- Week 1

Henry Moore- British Sculpture


Nursery are continuing to learn about Clay and Sculpture over Spring 2 as part of their Art topic. This week they have been learning about the work of Henry Moore, who was known for making modern sculpture.


The children looked at some photos of his work and discussed what they could see- he had used bronze metals, the sculptures were big, hard etc. The children then used playdough to create their own Henry Moore sculptures using picture prompts to help them and copy.


 You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Art lesson below and making their fantastic sculptures. Well done everyone!

Maths-Week 1

Size and Height

 Nursery have been learning about size and height this week, looking at big and small and short and tall. The children have compared different sizes and heights through building towers, ordering different beanstalks and comparing different animals. Nursery have also drawn beanstalks of different sizes and heights and measured themselves on a wall.


The children have been great at naming the different vocabulary and have even worked towards ordering 3 objects by size and height. You can see photos below of Nursery enjoying their Maths learning below and please ask them what they have learnt at home- I am sure they would love to tell you and well done to all of you! 

Literacy-Week 1

20.2.2024-The Little Red Hen


 The children in Nursery have been learning a brand new story this week of The Little Red Hen. They have been listening to the story and trying to join in with repeated refrains and key actions.


Nursery have also been making their very own bread, just like in the story so that we can understand what The Little Red Hen had to do. There are lots of different steps such as mixing the dough together, kneading the dough and baking it, before we finally get to eat it.


 The children have also been fantastic at learning their new story and have enjoyed the practical activity of making bread. This has really helped them to use and develop the vocabulary from the story such as flour, bread, grains and wheat. You can see pictures of the children making their bread below- well done Nursery!

Understanding the World 

Week 1- The Past and Dinosaurs

Nursery children have started a brand new topic for this half term all about Dinosaurs. To begin this topic they have been learning all about the past, and how dinosaurs lived a very, very, very long time ago! We have been sorting things from the past and the present and have then moved onto exploring dinosaurs.


 We know that there were different types of dinosaur that lived in the land and sea, and that they lived on every continent, all over the world. Nursery have started to look at the names of different dinosaurs and we will look at these in more detail over the coming weeks. You can see pictures of the children learning about dinosaurs this week below- well done Nursery!

Spring 1

Literacy- Week 5- 6.2.2024

The Gingerbread Man


  Nursery have finished their story of The Gingerbread Man this week by retelling the story using masks and props. The children have looked at different pictures to help them sequence, recall and remember the story and they have also been retelling the story orally on Ipads, as a Seesaw task. The children know the story so well and have so enjoyed saying key phrases and events from the story. You can see some pictures of Nursery enjoying their lesson below.

Understanding the World

Week 4 - Water Transport


Nursery children have been learning all about vehicles that go on the road and boats that travel on the water this week in their Journeys topic. They have been looking at the concept of floating and sinking and had great fun exploring the water tray and making boats out of playdough. Nursery discussed how the boats which were wider would float.


 The children have been looking at different types of boats and water transport such as cruises, rowing boats, cruises and dinghies. They also explored different vehicles that went on the road such as cars, bikes, lorries, and buses. nursery had great fun using the vehicles to make different tyre and tread marks using paints. You can see pictures of them enjoying their lessons below- well done Nursery!

Expressive Arts- Week 3 and 4

Clay and Sculpture


For our Art topic this term Nursery have been learning about sculpture and clay. They have been talking about how sculpture is a 3D piece of artwork, which can stand up on its own and is not flat.


We have been looking at different types of sculpture to show the children what these look like. They have then created their own sculptures of animals and natural materials. Nursery have been using their hands and different tools to mould and sculp the clay and make their sculpture. 


 You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Art lesson below and their fantastic sculptures. Please ask them about what their sculpture is and what they have made!

RE- Week 4 30.1.2024

Baptism and Water

Nursery have began a brand new topic in RE all about Baptism. Today the children learnt about the key parts of a baptism service and were taught about how the priest use water for the babies head and makes the sign of the cross.


Nursery now know that people are welcome into God's family when they are baptised and that this is a very special celebration. We acted out baptising babies in the classroom and spoke about what happened in the service. The children were so wonderful at remembering- you can see the pictures of them roleplaying below!

LITERACY- Week 4- 29.1.2024

The Gingerbread Man


 The children in Nursery have been learning a brand new story of The Gingerbread Man. Nursery have familarised themselves with the story by listening to it multiple times and drawing our key vocabulary and new words from the story.


The children have been acting out the story using stick puppets and have even made and decorated their own gingerbread men using sprinkles and icing. You can see some pictures of Nursery enjoying their lesson below.


Weeks 1-4 Spring 1



This half term, Nursery have been performing Gymnastics as part of their topic in PE. We have been learning about how to use our bodies to perform different shapes, jumps and travelling movements.


The children have been practising jumping, walking, skipping, hopping and even rolling and we have learnt how to perform these movements safely around the hall. We have also been learning how to perform simple shapes such as stars and tucks as well as different pirate poses. Nursery have been saluting to the captain, scrubbing the decking and even walking the plank!


Well done all of Nursery in their fantastic PE this term and you can see them working having so much fun in their PE lessons in the photographs below. Amazing Gymnastics Nursery!



RE- The Christmas Story

Week 3 25.1.2024


Nursery have been focusing on Christmas during their RE lessons so far and have looked at the story of Christmas. We have learnt about Mary as Jesus' mother and have sequenced key events throughout the story.


Nursery have been sequencing the pictures so well and know events such as an angel appearing to Mary to tell her she was with child, Mary and Joseph going to the inn, then Jesus being born in the stable and the shepherds and kings visiting him. They are wonderful at retelling the story using Seesaw and have also been using the Christmas story to develop their pencil control and mark making.


The children have also been playing with the dolls, understanding the role Mary and Joseph would have had as parents to look after and care for the baby. Nursery have also cut and stuck different characters from the story onto their own nativity scene.


You can see pictures of Nursery enjoying their lesson below. The Christmas Story is so special and we hope the children have enjoyed learning about- well done to all of you!










Maths-Week 3 and 4

Learning Positions 

 Nursery have been studying Position this week in Maths, looking at and describing objects in relation to where they are. We have been focusing on the positions under, on top of, next to and inside.


The children have had great fun showing us different positions using dinosaurs, teddy bears and even themselves! They have grasped the topic really well and are starting to use the vocabulary more independently in their play, which is fantastic news! 


You can see photos below of Nursery showing different positions below and please ask them what they have learnt at home- I am sure they would love to tell you and well done to all of you

Understanding the World

Week 3 - Older Vehicles 


Nursery children have been learning all about older vehicles and transport this week in their Journeys topic. They have been looking at horses and carriages and steam trains and know that these types of transport were used in the past, a long time ago.


 The children have been exploring how these vehicles work and what they would use to power them- horse power or coal turning water into steam. We have acted out these types of transport in groups and have sorted different vehicles into those from the past and present.


The children could not believe how different these vehicles were to our cars and aeroplanes of today. They were amazed by these types of transport and would love to them out. You can see pictures of them learning about steam trains and horses and carriages below- well done Nursery!

Literacy-Week 3 17.1.2023

The Three Billy Goat's Gruff- Story Mapping


 The children in Nursery have been carrying on with their story of The Three Billy Goat's Gruff this week. Nursery have continued to sequence the story and have been creating their own story maps, drawing pictures and talking about the key bits they know. This helps us to remember and plot key parts of the story and talk about key vocabulary.


The children have also been using junk modelling to make bridges and masks to act out the story of the trolls and goats. They have been making different parts from the story within the classroom and have so enjoyed learning it together. The children have also been working on their pencil grips and doing pencil control with an adult, to support their early Writing. You can see some pictures of Nursery's work below and well done everyone!

Maths-Week 2- 18.1.2024

Working with Numbers within 5 


 Nursery have been working with Numbers to 5 this week in Maths, identifying numbers to 5 and matching number to quantity. We have been so impressed with how well the children have done and the progress they have made since Autumn.


They were brilliant at counting the objects and matching it to the correct number up to 5 and are able to recognise the various numbers. Nursery did lots of counting to 5 and matching it to the correct number and made towers and blocks up to 5. We even tried some subitising to 3 and saying the total number without even counting!


You can see photos below of Nursery showing different positions below and please ask them what they have learnt at home- I am sure they would love to tell you and well done to all of you! 

Expressive Arts- Week 2 

 Sculpture- 17.1.2024


Nursery began their first Art lesson today in our Sculpture topic. We began with exploring what a sculpture is and the children learnt about how a sculpture is 3D and can stand up on its own. This is different to a painting which is flat.


Nursery then sorted different objects- they sorted 2D paintings and 3D sculptures and identified them using words. The children also described the differences saying ' sculptures stand up' and 'paintings are flat.'


Everyone also had great fun making their own 3D sculptures using Sticklebricks, Lego and cubes. What an amazing start to our Art lessons Nursery! You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Art lesson below and please ask them what Autumn colours they know at home!

Learning about Mary our Mother

Week 2 16.1.2024 


Today the children learnt about Mary and that she was a mother to Jesus. We spoke about her role in The Christmas Story and the children were able to talk about how she looked after Jesus.


The children spoke about how Mary looked after baby Jesus by washing him, feeding him and loving him with lots of cuddles. They acted out looking after babies and all the different jobs they would need to do as a mother. Nursery also worked creatively on making a stained glass window mural of Mary, to show how special she is to us all.


All of the children also worked in groups with an adult to talk about Mary and discuss what our own mothers do for us at home. Nursery were able to discuss how their mothers read with them cook for them, play with them and help them feel better if they are feeling poorly. Everyone listened so well and was able to understand and identify Mary as the mother of Jesus. You can see pictures of the children enjoying their lesson below all and all done to everyone!

Understanding the World- Week 2

 15.1.2024- Transport



Nursery have continued with their Journeys topic, learning all about transport this week. The children walked around the school finding different transport and were amazed to discover cars, scooters and bikes and even saw aeroplanes in the sky and buses riding by.


Nursery then came back to class and talked about the different types of transport they know. They used different pictures of transport to name and describe them and we were amazed by what the children knew- they could name and describe cars, aeroplanes, boats, motorbikes, buses, trains and many more! They also painted a picture of their favourite transport.


You can see pictures of them in their transport lesson below- well done to all of Nursery!

Literacy-Week 2

15.1.2024- Billy Goat's Gruff


 Nursery have started a brand new story in Literacy this week- the tale of The Three Billy Goat's Gruff. The children have been listening to the story in class and sequencing the key parts with adult support.


Our class have also been focusing on the key vocabulary from the story, looking at new words such as troll, bridge, valley and goats. We have been discussing these words and what they mean. Nursery have so enjoyed acting our the story in the tuff tray using stick puppets and making different kinds of bridges using lego, arches and tunnels and bricks.


The children love our new story and we are so proud of them all. Perhaps they could tell you the story at home?! You can see pictures of Nursery enjoying their Literacy lessons below.

Understanding the World- Week 1

 5.1.2022- Journeys


This week, Nursery have started a brand new topic in Understanding the World called Journeys. In our first lesson, the children learnt about what a journey is, and how we can travel from one place to another using different transport, and for different reasons.


We then went on our own journey of 'Were going on a Bear Hunt' and acted out the story, thinking about how we were travelling at different points and where we were going. The children then told us about some of the journeys they had been on, which included going to the park, to visit friends and family and even going on holiday!


We have had a great start to this topic and Nursery are enjoying it so much already. You can see pictures of them in their first Journeys lesson below.

Maths-Week 1

Shape- Circles and Triangles 4.1.2023


 This week in Mathematics the children have been identifying  different shapes, focusing on circles and triangles. Nursery have been exploring these two shapes and talking about their features and what they look like e.g round, pointy, corners etc.


We have also been recognising circles and triangles in the environment around us and spotting these shapes- circles can be used for wheels and plates whereas triangles can be used for bird boxes, toast etc. The children enjoyed sorting circles and triangles and even went on a shape hunt around the school hall, finding the different shapes!


You can see photos below of Nursery enjoying their Maths this week- they have been super shape spotters and well done to you all! 

Autumn 2

RE- Preparing for Jesus Birthday

Week 6 14.1211.2023


 Nursery are continuing with their theme of Advent in RE and learnt all about how it we are waiting and preparing for Jesus birthday. We discussed how Jesus is born at Christmas, on Christmas Day, and that his birthday is very special, as he is God's Son.


The children made Christmas cards to their families to celebrate Jesus' birthday and discussed in groups how his birthday is on Christmas Dat.  Nursery now know Jesus is not just about getting presents- it is about the birth of Jesus and a time when we celebrate his birthday. You can look at pictures of Nursery enjoying their lesson below. Great work Nursery!

The 4 Seasons 13.12.2023

Week 6 December 2023


Nursery have finished their 'All About Me' topic in Understanding the World with learning about the 4 seasons. We have been exploring the names of the seasons and discussing what happens during each season regarding the weather, activities etc.


The children have loved making season calendars using different paints and their art skills. They used different colours to show the seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Nursery also looked at pictures from the different seasons and sorted them into the correct one- we talked about how we might swim in the paddling pool in Summer and make snowmen in Winter etc. 


They were so fantastic with telling us about the different seasons and listened so well. You can see pictures of Nursery enjoying their seasons lessons below- well done everyone!

RE- Preparing for Advent

Week 5 6.12.2023

Today Nursery started their new topic of Advent and learnt about preparing for events. We learnt about our morning routines and what we do to get ready in the morning before we come to school. The children were brilliant at telling us how they get out of bed, wash their face, brush their teeth and hair and get changed ready for school. Many children also loved to tell us how they eat breakfast and love cereal! Nursery were superb at telling us their morning routine and this helped them to understand that during Advent we are also getting ready for something, which is the birth of Jesus Christ. We will continue to learn more about him in the coming weeks and see pictures of Nursery enjoying their lesson below. Well done everyone!  

People who Help Us

Week 4 and 5 November 2023


Nursery have been continuing with their 'All About Me' topic in Understanding the World and have focused on people who help us over the last few weeks. We have been exploring different people who work in the community and help us such as vets, dentist, lollipop workers, builders and teachers.


We then learnt about emergencies and people who help us when we need help such as firefighters, police officers, doctors, nurses and paramedics. The children acted out many of these roles and so enjoyed dressing up! They also painted pictures of who they wanted to be when they grew up and discussed what their future jobs and ambitions were.


Nursery also made their own fire engine using junk modelling and cutting and sticking, and listened to stories about people in our community. You can see pictures of Nursery enjoying their Understanding the World lessons below- super work this week everyone!

Maths-Week 4 and 5

Counting to 5 30.11.2023


 Over the last few weeks Nursery have been practising counting to  and working with numbers within 5. We have done a range of different activities such as making potions and following measures and recipes up to 5, writing numbers to 5 on ipads and  matching fingers numbers to 5.


We have also matched number to quantity to 5, shown 5 in different ways on  frames and have done an ordering and sequencing cutting and sticking activity up to 5. The children have had great fun and are fantastic at counting to  and comparing different numbers within 5. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons below- well done Nursery!


Saying Sorry

Week 4 28.11.2022

Nursery have been learning about the importance of saying sorry this week when we do things that may be wrong. We discussed good and bad choices and explored how we all make mistakes and sometimes need to say sorry to God and each other and ask for forgiveness.


The children made their own sorry prayers thinking about what they could be sorry for and sorted good and bad choices with an adult. We had a fantastic lesson and please enjoy looking at the pictures below.

Literacy-Week 3

Handa's Surprise

 This week the children have been learning a new story- 'Handa's Surprise.' They have been learning the story in small groups, listening to it and retelling it using masks and story puppets. They also have been practising the vocabulary from the story, and writing their own shopping list with fruit from the story. This has been very useful for the children, especially as there has been some tricky vocabulary such as 'guava' and 'passion fruit'.


Nursery have also been making pictures from the story, cutting out different fruits and animals and working on using scissors and holding them correctly. The children have also had a fruit and vegetable shop in the classroom and have used this learning through role play to help their understanding and communication of the story. You can see some pictures of Nursery's work below and well done to all!

Understanding the World- Week 3

Learning about Weoley Castle 

This week we have been learning all about where we live and where our school is- in Weoley Castle! The children have been learning about its name and looking at key landmarks in this town such as the shops, duck pond, park, castle ruins, church and school. 


Nursery learnt about these landmarks and then placed these on a map of Weoley Castle. We also learnt the terms ' near' and 'far' and explored what was near and far to each other around where we live.


They have loved learning more about where we live and talking about landmarks that they know. You can see pictures of them using their maps below. Well done Nursery! 

Maths-Week 3

Counting to 4 22.11.2023


 This week in Mathematics the children have been counting to 4. They have been practising reciting their counting to 4 and counting up to 4 with number correspondence. Nursery have watched the Numberblocks Episode about the number 4 and have explored how 4 can be show in different ways- in a tower, a line, a square and even an L shape! 


The children have so enjoyed different activities in class- they have been counting a variety of objects up to 4, used objects to show 4 in different ways and have gone on number hunts. They have even had a go at writing the number 4- wow! We are so proud of Nursery's fantastic Maths work and you can enjoy seeing the pictures of their lessons below.

Learning about Church and God's Family

Week 3 21.11.2022

This week Nursery have been learning all about Church and how we gather at Mass to worship and pray as part of God's family. The children discussed how everyone is part of God's family and how we are all special to him. 


They made a class collage using their amazing cutting and sticking skills- they cut out people from magazines and stuck them around a Church. Nursery also made their our churches out of Lego and  using boxes and junk modelling. We also went and took a picture outside our own church!


The children have been so wonderful at learning about Church as a house of God and remembering that everyone in the world is in God's family. Fantastic work everyone and you can see photos of Nursery in their lesson below.

Literacy-Week 3 20.11.2023

We're going on a Bear Hunt

 The children in Nursery have been carrying on with their ' Bear Hunt' story this week. They have been working on sequencing the story using and drawing pictures and using this to help them retell key words and phrases from the story. The children  created their own story maps, filling in the gaps for the story and drawing the missing bits they know.


Nursey know the story really well now and we can see how much their vocabulary is developing, with them using and now understanding words such as ' forest', 'cave' and ' river'. They have also been working on their cutting skills in class too and have been making different scenes from the story, cutting out different parts and sticking them together. We have been focusing on holding scissors correctly and cutting slowly and accurately. You can see some pictures of Nursery's work below and a great job everyone!

PE and Physical Development

Autumn 2 2023 Weeks 1-4 


This half term Nursery have started doing weekly PE lessons to aid their physical development. Our first unit is all about body management, where we have been balancing using beanbags and moving our body through hoops.


The children learnt to balance beanbags on their heads, arms and hands and were so focused and concentrating. We spoke about how we need to keep eyes straight ahead, our heads still and not move too quickly.


They then moved onto moving through hoops, both on their own and with a partner. Nursery were amazing at moving in different ways- they could crawl through hoops, move through a hope forward backwards and sidewards and even step through hoops of the ground!


You can see some pictures of Nursery enjoying their fantastic PE lessons below and developing their co-ordination skills.

Expressive Arts- Week 1 and 2 

 Autumn Colours


In our first few Art lessons Nursery class have explored Autumn colours. We discussed how the colours for Autumn are green, brown, yellow, red and orange and identified these colours together.


The children have been looking at many Autumn leaves outside and showing us leaves that have changed colour and fallen of the trees. They also made Autumn finger paintings using colours and enjoyed getting their hands messy!


Nursery also made a whole class Autumn collage as a class, using different materials such as felt, paper, rib bon and pompoms, making sure they used the correct Autumn colours. We even made made Autumn wreaths, cutting out leaves and sticking them down and made different coloured leaves out of playdough.


What  fantastic Art lessons Nursery! You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Art lesson below and please ask them what Autumn colours they know at home!


Understanding the World- Week 6

Growing and Changing and Families 


This week we have been learning about how we grow and change- from a baby, to a child, to a teenager and adult and then finally to an elderly person. Nursery have been looking at photos of people in different stages of their life and sequencing these on a timeline.


They now know that we grow and change as we get older- we can do things now as children that we could not do as babies and we will do things as adults we can-not do as children etc. The children have been fantastic at telling us about the different things they can do at each stage- they know that as children they can now do things that babies can't such as eating independently, walking, running and talking. They also know that adults are different to children- they go to work and may have their own children etc.


They have loved talking about the adults and elderly people in their lives, such as parents and grandparents, who look after them and love them. You can see the children enjoying their Understanding the World lesson below and sequencing the correct ages. Please continue to ask them about their 'All About Me' topic at home.  Super work Nursery!

God's Family Topic Lesson 1

People who Love and Care for Us

Week 2 4.11.2023


Nursery have started their new topic in RE this week of God our Father Cares for Us. We began our topic by looking at our families and discussing what they do for us to show they care. The children told us how their family gives them cuddles, cooks for them, reads to them, and plays with them as well as many other things. They were all able to identify different members of their family and knew that they loved them by how they cared for them and the different actions they did with them. 


The children so enjoyed talking about their own families and were amazing at telling us everything they did for them at home. They then drew members of their family who care for them onto hearts, made their family out of playdough and played family games using the dolls and small world role play. Please see photos of Nursery enjoying their RE lesson below below and what a wonderful start to our RE topic!

Mathematics-Week 1 and 2 

Numbers to 3



In the first few weeks after half term Nursery have been learning about the numbers 1,2 and 3. They have focused on what these numbers look like in different forms, recognising the different numbers pictorially and showing different representation of these numbers using objects, fingers etc. 


They have sorted numbers into correct piles, made different representations of 1,2, and 3 using different objects such as twigs and buttons, and have sorted numbers into the correct piles based on their amounts. You can see pictures of Nursery enjoying their Numeracy lessons below- we have been so amazed by their knowledge of these numbers and how quickly they can identify them. Superb Maths Nursery!

 Literacy-Week 1 8.11.2023

We're going on a Bear Hunt


 Nursery have started their new book for this half term which is 'We're going on a Bear Hunt.' This week, they have been listening to the story in small groups and joining in with key actions and words. The children also went on a Bear Hunt around school, and role played going through the grass, the river, and even all the way to the bear cave. They were super at looking out for different bears and even found one! You can see some pictures of Nursery enjoying the story below.

Autumn 1

 Mathematics-Week 8

Matching and Sorting by Size



Over the past few week Nursery have had great fun sorting by size their Maths lessons. The children have learnt all about the concepts' big' and 'small' and have been sorted objects by these concepts.


The children have worked sorting buttons, wooden blocks, lego and even natural objects such as sticks, leaves and conkers. They have also worked on sorting big and small food for two different sized teddies for their teddy bear picnic! Nursery also enjoyed sorting objects in The Home Corner by size, such as cups, plates and bowls and pegging matching socks on a washing line, looking at their size.


You can see pictures of Nursery enjoying sorting by size  below and well done to all of you on your amazing Maths skills.

Phonics- Blending

Autumn 1 Week 8 2023


Nursery have enjoyed Phonics for the last two weeks where they have been listening to different sounds in words. We have been finding different objects for Teddy's wet walk in the rain, and have been thinking about what Teddy might need.


The children have  looked at the objects needed for the walk,  heard me segment or sound out a word, and have then told me what the object or word is from hearing the sounds. An example of this would be 'Can you find me this object? It is Teddy's c-oa-t or his sh-oe-s or even his s-c-ar-f.'


We have given the children visual cues of the objects in front of them to support them as this is a tricky skill to learn! Nursery have found it a challenge but are starting to now grasp how words have sounds and can have a go at segmenting and blending the sound together. Fantastic job Nursery and you can see photos of them enjoying their Phonics lesson below. 

RE- Week 7

Thanking God for Creation

This week Nursery have been thanking God for Creation in their RE lesson. The children spoke about what God made and discussed how he made the world and all the wonderful things in it. They then explored what the word 'thank you' means and learnt about how we use it when we are happy or grateful for something.


Nursery then explored lots of different activities for thanking God- they made a whole class collage of the different things God made, they made thank you cards with their favourite things, and explored tuff trays of the world. They even created different things from Creation using lego and stickebricks.


The children were absolutely brilliant at thanking God for the wonderful things he made as they completed these activities and it is so wonderful to see them showing such gratitude and appreciation for our world. Please see Nursery enjoying their RE lesson below and some wonderful thank you prayers they have made- well done to you all!




 Literacy-Week 7

Sequencing Dear Zoo


 Nursery have creating their own story maps this week for the 'Dear Zoo' story. We have created a whole class story map to help us retell the story and Nursery have also had a go at creating their own. Using the book and our whole class map, Nursery have  drawn different animals in the story. Once their maps were finished Nursery then used them to retell the story. They are so fantastic at this and can name many key phrases from the story such as 'he was too big' and ' I sent him back.'


Please ask the children to retell the story to you at home- I am sure you will be very impressed. You can see some of Nursery's wonderful story maps below.

 Mathematics-Week 5 and 6

Matching and Sorting by Colour



Over the past few weeks Nursery have been learning all about matching and sorting in their Maths lessons. The children have had great fun learning these concepts and have been matching and sorting objects by colour and patterns.


They have worked with bears, socks, buttons, beads, animals and even leaves in order to explore these concepts. They have discussed different colours of objects, and what pattern they have. Mrs Larroque and I have been so wowed by how fantastic they are at this- we think they are all matching and sorting experts! 


You can see pictures of Nursery enjoying their Mathematics lessons below and please ask the children to show you their wonderful matching and sorting skills to you at home- perhaps they could sort the washing pile, tidy their toys or even match the food on their dinner plate?! Enjoy watching them truly impress you, just as they impressed us. Great Maths skills Nursery!

 Understanding the World- Week 5

Our Bodies and Faces

Nursery have began their first Understanding the World lessons this week, where we have been having a wonderful time learning all about our bodies and faces.


The children have been learning all about their different body parts and what they feel like- some areas, such as our tummies, feel soft and squishy whereas some areas, like our heads and skulls are harder. The children were able to identify different parts of the body on a person and then point to that part of the body on themselves.


Nursery also looked at faces and the different parts of a face such as eyes, mouths, noses, ears etc. They then made their own faces using paper plates and different materials such as wool, card, googly eyes etc.


What an amazing week Nursery and well done to all of you. Please ask your child at home what they can tell you about the body and face- I know you will be wowed! There is a picture slideshow below of the children enjoying their Understanding The World lessons and the different activities. Please enjoy!

Literacy- Week 5

Learning about Dear Zoo

 This week Nursery have been having great fun learning  all about the story of 'Dear Zoo.' They have been listening so well to the story in class and have been practising and repeating key vocabulary from the story. They have listened to the story and had a go at joining in, in small groups with their class teacher and have retold the story using stick puppets and masks. Nursery have even built zoos and pens using the construction blocks. All of these activities are brilliant for their communication and language and supports them in enjoying stories and much- loved books.


They will be looking at this story for the next few weeks so make sure you ask them about this at home! There is also a picture slideshow below of the children practising key words, retelling the story together and building zoos.  Great work Nursery!

Phonics Listening Walk

Autumn 1 Week 5 2023


Nursery had their first Phonics lesson this week where they spent lots of time going outside and listening to the sounds around them. We have been listening quietly and identifying sounds such as cars, children playing, buses, birds singing, dogs barking and the wind blowing through the trees. Great work everyone!

Making the Sign of The Cross

Week 5- 5th October 2022


This week has been so exciting for Nursery- they have had their first RE lesson! The children learnt about 'The Sign of the Cross' and we spoke about how we use these actions when we want to talk or pray to God. Nursery have learnt to put their hands together when they pray and know that we need to make The Sign of The Cross. They all had a go at making The Sign of The Cross, both as a class and individually with an adult.


Nursery also now know that God our Father made us because he loves us and that our beautiful world is also made by him. The children also made crosses using different materials such as lego and playdough and coloured different crosses-  WOW! 


 What a wonderful first RE lesson and well done to all of Nursery! Please see photos of Year One enjoying their lesson below.