Our Learning Journey
Summer 2
Maths-Week 6
10.7.2024- Sequencing Routine
In Maths Nursery have been learning about sequencing different activities in their daily routine. We have discussed different activities we do such as waking up, eating breakfast, coming to school, having dinner etc and discussing when we do these during the day.
The children have sequenced these activities, putting them in order and have also sorted various pictures based on whether we do them during the morning or during the evening. They have all been fantastic at telling us what activities they do when. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. Well done children!
Nursery Farm Trip- Ash End Farm
Week 6 9.7.2024
On Tuesday 9th July we had our school trip to Ash End Farm where Nursery and Reception had great fun observing and feeding all the animals. We were able to fed goats and sheep and got very close to horses and cows to observe their features. The children also held newborn chicks and were so brave and gentle with them, even giving them little strokes and tickles!
We were so proud of Nursery and Reception and their behaviour was wonderful on the trip- they listened so well to the farmers and adults and had great fun seeing the farm animals and exploring the outdoor play area. This really helped with our Growing and Changing and Animal topic in Understanding the World and well done to all the children!
Assessment Week
Week 5- 1.7.2024
In Week 5 the children in Nursery have been completing their end of term assessments. We have been so impressed with how well they have progressed in their Literacy and Maths.
The children have been working 1:1 with us and have been showing us different skills they have learnt over the year such as writing their name, practising Phase 1 Phonics rhyming and syllables, matching number to quantity to 5, showing finger numbers, identifying patterns and muh more.
Nursery have absolutely blown our socks off and we are so proud of what they have achieved this year and how well they have done in their learning. You can see their results in their end of term reports which will go out to parents on Friday 12th July. Well done all the children - you are all superstars!
Expressive Arts- Week 4
Secondary Colours 25.6.2024
Nursery have continued with learning about colour this week and have learnt all about the secondary colours of green, purple and orange. We have discussed what different things in the world are these colours and what we can see around the classroom.
The children have then done different sorting activities using these colours and have made beautiful collages of the secondary colours using their cutting and sticking skills. Nursery also did a mixing activity using paint and finger painting to show how they could make secondary colours- they enjoyed getting very messy! You can see pictures of the children enjoying Art below. Well done Nursery!
Maths-Week 3
20.6.2024- Identifying 2D Shapes
Nursery have been carrying on learning about 2D shapes in Maths and have been making different arrangements and pictures using them. We have been focusing on selecting shapes appropriately and combining shapes to make new ones and new pictures.
The children have been able to use shapes to make pictures such as houses, people, various seaside objects and different transport. We have also been cutting out shapes and matching them to their correct tracing. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. Great work Nursery!
Literacy-Week 4
24.6.2024- Chicken Licken
Nursery have continued to learn about the story of Chicken Licken this week and have been sequencing the story in pairs. They used different pictures from the story and put them in order, talking about the events that happened. The children have also reviewed key vocabulary and have been been acting out the story using props and masks. Please enjoy looking at the photos of our Literacy lessons below and well done to everyone!
Maths-Week 3
20.6.2024- Identifying 2D Shapes
This week in Maths Nursery have been identifying and describing various 2D shape. The children have been exploring these shapes and talking about their features such as corners and sides. We realise that these shapes are different and can talk about their differences.
Nursery have been identifying and sorting different shapes, matching shapes together that are the same and talking about why. We have also been making shape pictures using various 2D shape and have been cutting out shapes and putting them into the right places based on their features and colours. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. Well done children!
Expressive Arts- Week 1 and 2
Primary Colours
Nursery have started a brand new topic of colour this half term and have started with learning all about the primary colours. They have focused on the colours red, blue and yellow and have been discussing what objects are these colours.
The children have then done different paintings using the colours red, blue and yellow and have also made collages using these colours. We have also been sorting colours into different piles and sorting different objects and items by their colours. You can see pictures of the children enjoying Art below. Well done Nursery!
RE- Sunday in Church
Week 3 and 4
In RE this week we have learnt about Sunday being a special day of rest and prayer. The children know that Sunday is when God's family meets in church and takes time to focus on God. We discussed how this also links to the Creation story and God resting on Day 7, the final day.
To show our learning in class the children made a class collage of their church and put on themselves as God's family. We discussed how we meet in God's family in Church on Sunday. Nursery also took time to think about different activities we do on Sunday that make that day special such as praying, going to church and spending precious time with our friends and families.
We have also been reviewing our work on objects in church and have been naming and identifying special objects that we see and know. The children added initial sounds to different church objects and talked about what they were used for. You can see pictures below enjoying their RE lessons this week- well done everyone!
Literacy-Week 3
16.6.2024- Chicken Licken
Nursery have been learning a brand new story in Literacy this week. We have been focusing on the story of Chicken Licken and learning all about the events in this story and what happened. The children have been repeating and learning the different names of the characters and understanding that they rhyme.
Nursery have made masks of the characters and decorated them in different ways and have also gone over key vocabulary from the story, to repeat, recap and memorise. The children have had great fun acting out the story using props and stick puppets, making various props from the story using playdough and matching up various characters and talking about them.
All of Nursery are now familiar with the story and can name some of the characters form Chicken Licken. Please enjoy looking at the photos of our Literacy lessons below and great work everyone!
Throwing Skills- Week 2
This week Nursery have been working on their throwing and aiming skills throwing beanbags into a hoop on the floor. They were trying to aim for a target and throwing the beanbag with the appropriate strength and speed so it landed in the hoop. We then linked it to Maths with more and fewer and discussed and compared the different quantities in the hoops. The children compared the different amounts in their hoops and talked about who had more beanbags and who had fewer. You can see pictures of Nursery working on their skills below and having a fantastic time- well done children!
Literacy-Week 2
10.6.2024- Names
This week Nursery have been focusing on name writing and understanding that print has meaning and that different letters mean something. The children have been identifying their own names and finding the right letters to match the letters in the name.
Nursery have also been writing their names- we have been so impressed by all the children who can write all or some of their name independently. All of the class had such a good go and tried so hard so well done to you all.
Remember to keep practising your name writing at home and please enjoy looking at pictures of the children writing their names below. Well done to everyone in Nursery!
RE- God's Family
Week 2 11.6.2024
We have been carrying on with God's Family in RE and have been learning about the church family this week. The children have focused on our parish priest Father Gary and went to our local church to see and identify the objects there.
The children were amazed to see a range of different objects in the church such as The Bible, crosses, statues, The Altar, stained glass windows and the font. They showed much interest in finding out what these objects were sued for in the church. We then came back to class do discuss what we had to seen and to identify different objects.
The children now understand that we are all a family in the eyes of God and that our church family is very special. We also know that Father Gary looks after St Rose church and all the people who go there, in his role as the parish priest. You can see pictures below enjoying their RE lessons this week- well done everyone!
Maths-Week 2
14.6.2024- More and Fewer
In Maths the children have been learning all about more and fewer. We have been discussing what these terms mean and using actions to support us. Nursery have been comparing different quantities and looking at different groups of bears and sweets and talking about which has more and fewer.
The children have even digging for treasure outside in the soil and have been putting their finds into ten frames and comparing who has more and fewer. Nursery have also been catching beanbags in buckets and comparing how many they caught. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. Well done children!
RE- God's Family
Week 1 4.6.2024
Nursery have started a brand new topic all about God's family and have been discussing this week the special people in our own families and those who care for us. The children have been painting pictures of people who care for us and verbally telling us who is in our families, what they do for us and saying thankyou to them.
It has been so lovely for us to hear all about the wonderful people who care for the children in Nursery. You can see pictures below enjoying their RE lessons this week- well done everyone!
Understanding the World
Week 1- Animals and Babies
The children have started a brand new topic this week of learning about animals and babies. We have been sorting animals and babies and talking about the different vocabulary such as goat and kid, horse and foal, chick and chicken etc.
Nursery have also been drawing the life cycle of caterpillars and butterflies to complete their work on our butterfly pets in our classroom. This helped us to understand, sort and talk about how some animals babies look similar and look different. You can see pictures of their lesson from this week below- great work Nursery!
Maths-Week 1
6.6.2024- Comparing Weight
In Maths this week we have learnt a brand new topic- the concept if weight and measuring different objects. The children have been using scales and have been practically measuring different objects, talking about how the scales move and go up or down.
Nursery now know that if the scales go down the object is heavier and if the scales go up the object is lighter. They have been brilliant and comparing and measuring the weight of different things and have also done lots of sorting of light and heavy objects. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. Amazing work children!
Literacy-Week 1
3.6.2024- Logos
For our first week back the children have been learning all about different logos. We have learnt what a logo is and that it is an image, design or letter which shows us different products, objects or places. This helped Nursery to understand that print has meaning and can be used for different purposes.
The children then identified and talked about different logos that they knew and also had a go at drawing different logos on rolls of paper. We also did matching and sorting activities using logos. You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Literacy lessons from this week and some of their wonderful work. Well done children!
Summer 1
RE- The Holy Spirit
Week 7- 21.5.2024
Nursery have finished off their topic of Pentecost by learning about The Holy Spirit and its power. We have been discussing how it can help us throughout our lives and guide us in difficult and hard decisions. The children have been talking about how they can use The Holy Spirit to help them be kind, loving and patient with each other.
Nursery have said and drawn their own prayers to The Holy Spirit asking for help and guidance and have also painted pictures of the story of Pentecost and The Holy Spirit coming to the disciples. We have also continued to act out the story together and discussed its meaning.
The children have also been talking about the colours of fire and Pentecost, and have been exploring colour mixing with red, yellow and orange. The children then pained pictures using the new colours they had made. You can see pictures below of Nursery writing their prayers to the Holy Spirit- amazing work children!
Understanding the World
Week 7- Humans and Changing
For our final week of Growing and Changing Nursery have been learning all about the life cycles and stages of humans and how we grow and change throughout our lives. We have been talking about how we begin as babies, grow into children and then become adults and so on. Nursery have been sequencing the growing stages of humans and have been talking and discussing about what they can do now as children, compared to what they couldn't do when they were babies.
We then moved onto learning about adults and their role in the community, and learnt about the different jobs that we can have when we are older. Nursery learnt about different jobs that exist such as doctors, police officers, chefs, dentists, teachers and so on. We discussed what these different jobs do and played a game where we had to match the clues and explanations to the jobs.
The children also thought about their own vocations and made a drawing with themselves in a job they would like for when they older, explaining why they want that job. You can see pictures of their lesson from this week below- great work Nursery!
Expressive Arts- Week 7
22.5.2024-Paul Klee
Nursery have finished their topic of Line in the final week and have been learning all about Pau Klee's Self Portraits. We have discussed the features of his work and have observed how his face paints are abstract and do not look realistic.
The children also talked about the features they had on their face such eyebrows, lips, mouths and noses and then drew their own self-portraits of themselves using mirrors and all of these features.
You can see pictures of the children's wonderful Art work below. Great work everyone!
Understanding the World
Week 6- Farmers and Food
This week in our Growing and Changing topic we have learnt all about farmers and their food. The children have been learning about different food and crops that farmers grow and then harvest for us to eat.
Nursery have been trying different foods and describing them and fruit printing using aa variety of vegetables. The children also went outside and looked at different fruit and vegebtales that we grow in our school and talked about them. They were shown how they are planted, grown and then harvested.
The children also acted out farmers and growing food using farms in the small world area. They were brilliant at telling us how farmers grow and collect the food for us to enjoy! You can see pictures of their lesson from this week below- great work Nursery!
Maths-Week 6
16.5.2024- Comparing Length
Nursery have been learning about a new topic of length in Maths for this week and have been learning the new vocabulary of 'longer' and 'shorter.' We have been measuring our own bodies and different outdoor toys and equipment using different body parts such as our hands and feet. The children then counted up the amount of hands or feet that the object measured. They have also been finding different classroom objects and sorting them into long and short, based on their length. have been sorting objects into long and short.
The children have also been putting objects end to end and comparing their length, talking about which is shorter and longer. They even made different length snakes out of playdough and talked about which was longer and shorter. Nursery have been brilliant learning about length and we will continue with this next week. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below. Great work children!
RE- Pentecost
Week 4 and 5- 14.5.2024
We have been carrying on with our topic of Pentecost throughout this half term and have so enjoyed learning and retelling the story. Nursery have listened to the story from the Bible and have acted out the story using wind and fire headbands, to help with their understanding.
The children have also been talking about the colours of fire and Pentecost, and have been exploring colour mixing with red, yellow and orange. The children then pained pictures using the new colours they had made.
Nursery have been wonderful at retelling the story of Pentecost and understanding that The Holy Spirit and God's Power had come to the disciples to help them and look after them. You can see pictures below of Nursery retelling the story and colour mixing in their RE lesson this week- great work children!
Literacy-Week 5 and 6
13.5.2024-Three Little Pigs
We have been enjoying a brand new story over the last few weeks with Nursery learning the story of the three little pigs. We have been listening to the story and identifying key vocabulary such as wolf, pigs, huffed and puffed, straw house, stick house etc.
The children have impressed us with their acting out of the story using puppets and identifying key vocabulary using word mats. This week, we have then moved onto identifying key characters from the story using describing vocabulary and adjectives and sequencing and story mapping the story. The children have been able to sequence the story in order using pictures, retell and talk about what happened and even add initial sounds- great work everyone!
You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Literacy lessons from the last two weeks and some of their amazing story map work. Well done children!
Maths-Week 5
9.5.2024- Recognising Numbers
This week in Maths Nursery have been recognising numbers to 5 in their lessons. They have been writing different numbers to 5 and praticising their number formation, ensuring their letters are the right way round. We have also been playing different number and pairing games, finding numbers that are the same and saying what they are.
The children have also been completing number correspondence activities independently and roleplaying number rhymes that they know well. Fantastic work everyone! You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below.
Expressive Arts- Week 5
8.5.2024-Paul Klee
Nursery have continued with their topic of Lines and have been learning all about Paul Klee this week. We have been observing and discussing his work and paintings in groups and talking about the lines, colours and shapes that we see. The children have also used pastels to create their own portraits of faces in the style of Paul Klee's 'Senecio.'
We had some wonderful discussions of Paul Klee's paintings and were so wowed by the amazing pictures that the children made.. You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Art lesson below. Great work Nursery!
Maths-Week 4
1.5.2024- Number to Quantity
In Maths this week the children have finishing their numbers to 5 work by matching different numbers to quantity. We have challenged ourselves by reviewing numbers within 5 but also matching to 10, where children are confident. The children have been matching number to quantities both in focus groups and independently and have also worked on matching numbers using different resources such as numicon, trains and cubes.
Nursery have also been making different number collages to 5 using cutting and stick, looking at the different ways we can write and show the number. You can see pictures of them enjoying their Maths lessons from this week below.
Literacy-Week 4
Nursery have been continuing with their story of Sam Plants a Sunflower this week. We have been retelling the story orally in pairs using the book to help us and have been fantastic at using our key vocabulary such as shoots, bud, leaves, plant and sunflower.
The children have also been story mapping the story to show their understanding of what happened and to sequence events. This included drawing pictures, making marks and even writing initial sounds and words. We were so impressed with their wonderful story maps! You can see a sample of our story maps below from our Literacy lessons this week. Well done Nursery!
Weeks 3- Summer 1
Nursery have finished off their final dance lessons this week. We have been focusing on people and different job today Seasons and Transport based on these ideas. The children have played a variety of games such as Follow the Leader, where they copied different people walking around the hall and mirroring partners where they and a friend had to copy each others movements.
We then discussed different jobs people have s such as cooks, teachers, firefighters, bus drivers and office workers. The children were wonderful at using their bodies in different ways to show the different jobs and could use different movements with their arms and legs and using different levels. Well done all of Nursery and you can see them enjoying their last PE lesson below. Great work everyone!
Expressive Arts- Week 3
24.4.2024-Different Types of Lines
The children are continuing with their new topic of line and reviewed the different lines that we know about such as straight, wavy and zigzag. The children were shown the different types of line and saw modelling by the teacher so that they knew how to create them in their drawings.
Nursery then made their own pictures of houses using different types of lines and their new knowledge. We had some beautiful pictures of houses and were amazed by the marks and lines the children could use. You can see pictures of the children enjoying their Art lesson below. Well done everyone!