Life in Nursery
Summer 2
Healthy Living Week
Week 6 8.7.2024
Week 6 has been all about Healthy Living Week. To celebrate this event Nursery have taken part in many different activities which have helped to keep their bodies and minds healthy and well.
On Monday we had a Healthy Living Day where all the children kept fit and active all day, taking part in various activities. The children tried out cricket, boxing, story time yoga, dance classes, bocha and even rugby. We also had great fun on Wednesday and Thursday taking part in Healthy Living workshops and our Sports Day for parents. The children then finished the week on Friday by bringing in their bikes and scooters and having a 30 minute wheels riding session on the school playground.
What a busy week everyone! All of the children in Nursery have worked so hard all week at keeping active and have truly not stopped- their bodies must feel so fit and healthy! You can see photos below of them enjoying Healthy Living Week and well done to everyone!
Nursery Sports Day
Week 6 11.7.2024
Nursery had their first Sports Day on Thursday 11th July where they went out to the big school playground and took pat in lots of activities in front of their friends and family. These included running and jumping hurdles, throwing javelin, doing sprint races and completing speed bounces. All of the children even took part in a relay race in their house teams and had to work together to be as fast as they could.
We were so impressed with all of the children and their fantastic skills. Mrs Larroque and I would also like to say a huge thank you to the parents for coming and supporting the children- you were all fantastic at cheering them on! You can see photos below of the sports day and well done to all of Nursery!
Nursery Farm Trip- Ash End Farm
Week 6 9.7.2024
On Tuesday 9th July we had our school trip to Ash End Farm where Nursery and Reception had great fun observing and feeding all the animals. We were able to fed goats and sheep and got very close to horses and cows to observe their features. The children also held newborn chicks and were so brave and gentle with them, even giving them little strokes and tickles!
We were so proud of Nursery and Reception and their behaviour was wonderful on the trip- they listened so well to the farmers and adults and had great fun seeing the farm animals and exploring the outdoor play area. This really helped with our Growing and Changing and Animal topic in Understanding the World and well done to all the children!
Drumming Workshop
Week 3 17.6.2024
On Monday 17th June the children had a wonderful African drumming workshop, as part of our Music learning. Nursery learnt about different drums from Africa and were able to explore using them and making music. We learnt how to make loud and quiet noises on the drums and to copy different beats and rhythms.
The children were amazing at copying different musical sounds and had fantastic listening skills. We were amazed by how well they could play the drums and they had great fun making lots of noise! You can also see photos of the children enjoying the workshop below.
Week 1 7.6.2024
Releasing Our Butterflies
This week has been very exciting in Nursery! When we came back after the holidays we were delighted to see that our butterflies had come out of their cocoons. The children were amazed to see that the butterflies looked completely different to the caterpillars and had changed colour, shape and grown wings.
We then went outside and released our butterflies into the forest school area. The children were sad to see them go but were so happy to see their butterflies flying and enjoying life in the wild! Having the butterflies in our class has really helped us understand the topic of life cycles and animals and babies, seeing how not all babies look like their parents.
We have so enjoyed seeing the animals grow from caterpillars, into their cocoons and then finally into beautiful butterflies. Please enjoy seeing pictures of us releasing the butterflies below.
Irock Assembly and Introduction
Week 7 24.5.2024
Ob Friday 24th May we had a company called Irock come into school, who specalise in teaching music lessons to children. They focus on teaching how to play instruments in a bad with other classmates, and how to follow the rhythm and beat of different songs. We were lucky enough to have the wonderful Whitney deliver the assembly and she showed us all the different instruments that they show you how to play including the drums, keyboard, electric guitar and even singing!
We had great fun singing different songs with her, clapping along to the rhythm and beat of different music and some of the children even got chosen to come to the front and perform in a band. Everyone was amazed with how quickly they could pick up the notes, and play it to a song beat for their audience.
We have sent home leaflets about Irock to all of the children, so if your child is interested in Irock music lessons, please call the number on the leaflet or send an email to the one provided. It really is a brilliant company for promoting playing and teaching musical instruments and will be great for releasing your child's inner rock or band hero! You can see pictures of Nursery enjoying the assembly below.
Eco Day Week 7
23rd May 2024- Planting Peas
On Thursday 23rd May we celebrated Eco-Day in school and learnt all about how we can reuse materials and make different things from recyclable objects such as plastic, cardboard metal etc. Nursery so enjoyed exploring and looking at different objects that had been made by recyclable materials such as notepads, pencil cases, purses and many more.
Nursery then planted their own pea seeds using compost, water and pots. We then got to take these home and we will look after them at home and watch them grow! Plants are also very good for our planet and environment as they take in harmful gases but give out oxygen. You can see pictures of the children enjoying their workshop below and please make sure you look after your plants over the holidays. You can also bring in photos to show us of how they are growing after the May half term.
Class Caterpillars
Summer 1- Week 3-7
In Summer 1 Nursery have had visitors in our class- some caterpillars which we have been observing and watching as they grow and change. This fits in perfectly with our Understanding the World topic of Growing and Changing, where we have been learning about animal life cycles and how caterpillar change into butterflies, over time.
The children have been looking at the caterpillars using the magnifying glasses and seeing how they grow bigger and bigger, from all the food they are eating. We are very excited to see them growing and are hoping they will go into their cocoons soon!
You can see pictures of the children looking at the caterpillars below and we will keep you updated as they slowly turn into butterflies. Great work everyone!
Book Fair- April 2024
Summer 1- Week 3 and 4
In Summer 1 the book fair come to our school and the children had great fun choosing a variety of fun and engaging books for them to enjoy and read at home. We went and had a look round the fair with Nursery and they created wish lists of what books they liked to then take home to parents.
The children then came to the bookfair with their parents and chose what books they wanted. All the money that we raise from the bookfair will go towards us buying free books for our school. It was so wonderful to see all the children so enthused about books and thank you to all the children and parents for your amazing support. We hope you enjoyed the book fair!
Spring 2
Spring 2- Week 5
Lent Charity
Throughout the whole of Spring Nursery and all of St Rose have taken part in raising money for various charities during the time of Lent. We have walked for CAFOD, worn our own clothes to support and raise money for Birmingham Children's Hospital and Positive about Downs Syndrome and have bought in food items to support local homeless shelters, such as Saint Vincent Du Paul.
We have been so amazed by all of the support from the parents and children and it has been amazing to raise so much money for different causes! You can see the wonderful pictures of Nursery raising money for various charities below. It has been such a beautiful Lent time for us all, where we have been able to reflect and give money to those in need.
Science Week
Week 4 12.3.2024
This week Nursery have been celebrating the wonderful British Science Week. We have carried on with our Understanding the World topic of dinosaurs but have also had a visit from the company 'AS Creatives'.
We had a visit from Chris who led an assembly for us all about what time is and how we can measure it in different ways. He then came to Nursery and talked to us about human timelines and how we grow, change and develop throughout our lives. The children also learnt all about Frederick Akbar Mahomed who introduced the concept of growth timelines.
We then finished our workshop by singing a song all about how we grow, going through the stages of baby, children, adults and the elderly. You can see pictures of Nursery taking part in British Science Week below.
Spring 2
Big Lent Walk
During the last few weeks of Spring 2 Term Nursery have been raising money for CAFOD by taking part in The Big Lent Walk. We have been walking around the playground and down Gregory Avenue to try and walk as many miles as possible for CAFOD.
The children have been so fantastic at walking, despite their little legs and have been so determined to raise as much money as possible! They are all trying so hard with their walking and we want to thank all of you for your Lent donations that you are bringing in every Friday. You can see pictures of Nursery taking part in their Lent walk below.
World Book Day
Spring 2 7.3.2024
This week has been so exciting for us at St Rise- we have been celebrating World Book Day! Nursery have great fun getting involved with lots of activities involving Reading. This week we have taken part in assemblies and workshops from AS Creatives, who taught us all about different characters that we find in books. Nursery focused on magicians and magical characters and then came dressed as these characters on Thursday ( World Book Day.)
We were so impressed with all the children's costume and they all looked fantastic- all of us were so amazed by the effort that they put into their outfits! All the children had a parade on World Book Day and got to show their outfits off to the rest of the school. We also did Reading Buddies with Year 3 and did different activities related to The Gruffalo's Child story, such as making caves, creating characters from lego and roleplaying the story.
Nursery were also able to have hot chocolate and cookies in their library session and also did Drop Everything and Read, where they had to rush and grab a book to read whenever they heard a bell. a lot of children also came to Books for Breakfast on Friday where they had tea and toast with their parents and shared books together before school. What a great week for everyone and well done to all of Nursery. You can see some pictures of us enjoying our World Book Day celebrations below and remember.... KEEP READING!
Spring 2- Week 1 & 2
Forest School
Today Nursery had their first Forest School session of the half term. We had great fun exploring and familiarising ourselves with the forest school area and the natural outdoors. The children then made collections of different spring natural materials such as conkers, leaves and twigs etc.
The children stuck their materials onto a big nature collage and were very proud of their work! Nursery were also brilliant at remembering the forest school rules- well done Nursery! Please see photos of them enjoying their session in Forest School below.
Spring 1
Secret Parent Reader
Spring 1
Every Friday we invite our parents to come in and be a secret reader in the Nursery class. This takes place on a Friday afternoon from 12.45-1.00pm and a sign-up sheet is available outside the nursery classroom on the board. Spring 1 has seen us have many amazing parent readers and it has been such a joy to see them share their stories with us and the children - the children love it so much!
If you wish to sign up, please write your name, your child's name and your book of choice. It is really important that we keep this a secret from the children so it is a surprise for them! We are so keen to get families involved with secret readers session so if you would like to get involved we would be so grateful.
We are absolutely wowed by the support we have had already from our amazing parents and you can see photos below of our Nursery parents and children enjoying their secret reading sessions from Spring 1. Please sign up if you wish to get involved and thank you for all your support. Remember it's a surprise so don't tell the children!
Online Safety Week
Spring 1 Week 5
Week 5 marked Online Safety Week and to celebrate we had an assembly led by The Lighthouse Group at ST Rose School. Nursery have used The Online Safety Toolkit to learn about how we can use technology to communicate online and that the internet is an amazing place!
The children have been using the adventures of Smartie the Penguin to help us understand that we should always use technology with an adult or grown up present, and that we should tell them about anything we are unsure or worried about. Nursery were brilliant at remembering these rules and even sang a song to help them remember! Please see photos below of Nursery enjoying their Online Safety lessons and assemblies.
RSHE- Week 3
Washing Disciples Feet
This week Nursery have had great fun learning about Jesus washing his disciples feet story, as part of their RSHE topic about Role Models. The children have looked at Jesus as an example of a fantastic role model, who shows love and care to all.
To help with their understanding of the story, we acted out washing the disciples feet in Nursery. This was to show our love for one another and to show what Jesus would have done for his friends. Nursery really enjoyed this activity and you can see pictures of them below.
Autumn 2
Seeing Santa- PTFA Event
Week 7 22.12.2023
On the last day of term ( Friday 22nd December) the Nursery children went to see Santa. This was organised by our wonderful PTFA, who have worked so hard this half term, both with seeing Santa and the Disco, to ensure that our children have the best opportunities and so much fun!
All of the children went to see Santa and got to meet him and receive a wonderful present, which is a book. This means all of the children in our school have received a book for Christmas which is so wonderful and thoughtful of our PTFA, and helps to encourage our children to keep reading for pleasure.
Thankyou once again to organising such a fantastic and special event for the children- they were all so excited and so loved meeting Santa. You can see pictures of the children meeting Santa below and all of their pictures have also been sent home today, for you to enjoy. Merry Christmas and a happy new year for 2024!
Theatre Trip- Week 7
Little Red Riding Hood 20.12.2023
On Wednesday 20th December Nursery, Reception and Year One had the pleasure of going to The Birmingham Rep Theatre to watch Little Red Riding Hood. We had a fantastic time watching the three people in the show perform this classic fairy tale and were so entranced by all of the superb acting and special effects.
During the performance there was instruments being played, songs being sung and lots of acting from the characters of Red, Nanna and The Big Bad Wolf. It was a truly immersive performance where the children were able to join in and truly be a part of it! It was a wonderful experience for the children and we had an amazing time at the theatre. Well done to all the children whose behaviour was truly superb! Enjoy the pictures of us at the theatre below.
Nursery Nativity Performance
Week 7 18.12.2023
This week, on Monday 18th December and Tuesday 19th December, Nursery performed their nativity to the rest of the school and to their parents. The Christmas play was called 'Born in a Barn' and tells the story of the Nativity through singing, dancing and acting. All of the Nursery children did a superb dance as the farm animals and were amazing with their singing and dance moves!
Thank you to all of the parents who came to watch and support the show- we hope you enjoyed it and the children worked so hard and loved performing! Learning the story also helped us during this special time of Advent, to prepare for the coming of Christ. Well done to all of Nursery- you were amazing and you can see pictures of them in their costumes below.
School Retreat Day- Advent
Week 6 14.12.2023
Today Nursery has a fantastic day where they took part in a Whole School Retreat Day with Dan and Emily. The theme of our day was 'Let His Glory Shine' and the children learned about the them of Advent and waiting for Jesus.
In EYFS, our focus was seeing God or Jesus as shining light or star to us all. We played games with Dan and Emily and sang different songs and prayers with them in assemblies throughout the day. Nursery also did activities in class such as making their own shining stars using arts and crafts and discussing who shines for them.
The children had such a fantastic day and listened so beautifully to all that Dan and Emily told them about Advent and the light of Jesus. It was a lot of sitting down for the littles one but they did so amazingly and were so prayerful and reflective on the themes of the day. You can see pictures of Nursery enjoying their Retreat Day below.
Nursery Progress Assessments
Week 6 11.12-15.12.2023
For the last week Nursery have been completing termly assessments 1: 1 with Mrs Larroque and myself. This included small Literacy and Math tasks, which are related to the 3-4 Development Matters 2020 Statements.
Even though we are still in Autumn and early on in the year we have been astounded by the progress Nursery are making already! They have done so well with their assessments and have all tried so hard- they can tell us about stories we have been learning about in class, draw a picture of themselves, count to 3 and recognise some numbers!
This is super progress already from where they started and we are so proud of them all. Well done to everyone in Nursery and you truly deserve your Christmas break, which is coming very soon! Thank you for working so hard and for wowing us with your knowledge- you are all superstars!
Nursery Nativity Practise
Nursery have been having a great time this week learning our Christmas play which is called 'Born in a Barn' and tells the story of the Nativity through singing, dancing and acting. The children are all working so hard on their singing and fantastic dance moves to make the show as wonderful for you as possible! Learning the story helped us during this special time of Advent, to prepare for the coming of Christ.
The nativity will take place on Monday 18th December at 2pm and Tuesday 19th December 9.30am, both in the School Hall. Please come and see Miss Murphy if you need any tickets. You can see pictures of the children practising their nativity below and we can't wait for you see it. We know you are going to enjoy it!
Nursery Trip -The Community
Week 5 7.12.2023
Today was such an exciting day for Nursery-they has their first trip experience of the year! The children had a workshop in the parish hall with Little Dots Play Village, where our theme was all about community workers and people who help us. This links in to what we have been learning about in our 'All About Me' Understanding the World topic.
The workshop had different stations set up to reflect our city community such as vets, supermarkets, bakers, police stations, hairdressers, schools, florists and post offices. These were full of a range of amazing resources which the children could play with and use in their roleplay. We were so amazed by how well the children played with toys and they were brilliant sharers- our visits who worked with us said how well behaved they were and couldn't believe they were only Nursery children!
You can see pictures of Nursery enjoying their experience below and well done to all of you! Please ask your child about their fun community workshop at home- I am sure they would love to tell you!
Autumn 1- Week 5
6.12.2023- Forest School
Today Nursery had their second Forest School where they went out to the forest school area and got stuck in to their Outdoor Learning. They began with going over the Forest School rules of staying within the boundaries, not going into the fire circle and remembering 'no licking with objects they found on the ground.
The children then had a treasure hunt where they had to go round in teams, finding different chocolate coins. We had to search high and low and so enjoyed eating our treasure around the firepit! They also had great fun further exploring the Forest School area and getting used to the space.
Another great session Nursery- well done to you all! Please see photos of them enjoying their session in Forest School below.
Nursery Show and Tell- Autumn 2
On Fridays Nursery have so enjoyed presenting homework projects they have been completed for Show and Tell. We have had children bring in pictures of them matching socks, bringing in self-portraits of themselves and their families and even painting pictures of Creation.
The children love showing off their fantastic work and Show and Tell is a fantastic opportunity for children to speak and develop their communication skills. Well done for all the children who have been bringing in work for Show and Tell and you can see a slideshow of pictures from the half term below.
Autumn 2- Week 4
30.11.2023- Forest School
Today Nursery had their first Forest School where they went out to the forest school area in their wellies! The children began by learning the rules of Forest School, such as keeping within the boundaries, not eating anything we find outside and not walking across the fire circle.
After a little chat about the rules, the children then got exploring. They were allowed to discover different nature in the Forest School area and could use the magnifying class to get up close and personal with the creepy crawlies. The children also had a go at using the fantastic balancing trim trail and all of them had a go- weren't they brave!
This first session was a great opportunity for the children to have fun, get outside and explore the Forest School area for the first time. They were fantastic! Please see photos of them enjoying their session in Forest School below.
Secret Parent Reader
Every Friday
Every Friday we are inviting our parents to come in and be a secret reader in the Nursery class. This takes place on a Friday afternoon from 12.45-1.00pm and a sign-up sheet is available outside the nursery classroom on the board.
If you wish to sign up, please write your name, your child's name and your book of choice. It is really important that we keep this a secret from the children so it is a surprise for them! We are so keen to get families involved with secret readers session so if you would like to get involved we would be so grateful.
We are absolutely wowed by the support we have had already from our amazing parents and you can see photos below of our Nursery parents and children enjoying their secret reading sessions. Please sign up if you wish to get involved and thank you for all your support. Remember it's a surprise so don't tell the children!
Children in Need
Friday 17th November 2023
BBC Children in Need are a fantastic charity who believe that every child should have a chancw ro thrive and to be the best they can be. They fund thousand of charities and projects in every corner of the UK and support children and young people to feel safer, have improved mental health and to be given equal opportunity to flourish.
St Rose School are so proud to be supporting this wonderful charity and today The Lighthouse Group held their Children in Need event where all the children bought in £1 to dress in either spots or yellow.
We want to thank all of you for you overwhelming support and kind generosity and your donations will really help to make a difference to the lives of children around the UK. Thanks again everyone! Please see photos below of Nursery enjoying their day for Children in Need.
Enjoying our Library Time
Week 2 15.11.2022
Every Wednesday, the Nursery children go and enjoy 30 minutes in the school library with Mrs Larroque and myself. This is an opportunity for both of us to read books to the children, and for them to hear a wide range of stories and discuss new words and vocabulary. Nursery so love going to the library, sitting on the comfy beanbags and listening to these lovely stories- they also enjoy predicting what will happen next and thinking about how characters might be feeling.
We will continue to do this every week for the whole year as it is such a calm and relaxing time for the children. There are also sessions every half term where the Library is open after school for you to come and enjoy with your child. You can read a book with them and even take books home! Keep your eyes peeled on the app for when the library is open after school this half term. Please also ensure you read your child's reading book with them every night, where possible. You can see some pictures of Nursery enjoying their library session below and listening so intently to the stories- well done everyone!
Autumn 1
Lunchtime for Nursery
Week 8 27.10.2023
Nursery are in full swing with their lunchtimes now- they so enjoy going down to the dinner hall and eating their scrummy dinner! The children who have hot dinners have enjoyed eating a range of foods such as pasta, roast dinner, meatballs, chilli and especially pizza fridays! Those that have packed lunches have done so well with eating their healthy snacks such as sandwiches, fruit and yoghurts.
We have been super impressed by how sensibly Nursery have come down to the dinner hall and how well they eat their dinner- they know that they need to keep up their energy for the school day! Keep up the super eating Nursery- you can see photos of them enjoying their lunchtime below.
Reading Buddies with Year 3
Week 8 24.10.2024
Today Nursery had a very exciting time reading with Year 3. Nursery chose a book of their choice and a Year 3 then came to read it to them. This is to encourage reading for pleasure across our school and to give our children opportunities to share and enjoy reading together.
Nursery listened to some of their favourite stories such as The Gruffalo, The Wheels on the Bus, Grumpy Frog, My Hair and The Unicorn who came to Breakfast. It was wonderful to see both Nursery and Year 3 so engaged in sharing books together and this will continue every half term throughout the year. You can see pictures of Nursery enjoying Reading Buddies below.
Dough Disco
Week 8 23.10.2024
Today Nursery started their first ever dough disco session, where we followed a video to get our fingers moving. Each child has their own tub of playdough in class, which we move, mould and sculpt using our fingers. Using Dough Disco is a great way to strengthen our fingers and fine motor skills, getting our hands and fingers ready for Writing. The children absolutely loved it and we were so proud of every one of them! Well be doing Dough Disco every day from now on- maybe the children could show you some moves at home?! You can see pictures of Nursery enjoying Dough Disco below.
Nursery Enjoying Active 15
Click on the link below to watch a video of Nursery enjoying their Active 15 this week and dancing to Shakira. We think their dance moves are fantastic and they are all trying so hard!
Nursery's First Assembly
Week 6 13.10.2023
Today Nursery had their first assembly of the school year- they went to Celebration Assembly with the bigger children and sat for a whole 30 minutes! We so enjoyed listening to a story ready by a teacher, hearing about the stars of the week and looking at the housepoints.Their sitting was absolutely beautiful- the rest of the school were so wowed by their amazing behaviour in Assembly and their beautiful sitting! The children were so wonderfully behaved and set a real example for the rest of the school. Nursery will now come to Assembly 3x a week on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Please see photos of Nursery at their first Assembly below and what a fantastic start children!
Week 5- 2.10.2023-6.10.2023
You did it Nursery- you all made it through your first full week of school! Nursery have had a brilliant week, and have had great fun exploring the provision both indoors and outdoors. They have been playing on the pirate ship, role playing in the home corner, making an autumn collage, experimenting with sequin pictures, practising their jigsaw skills and making marks.
This has been their last week of settling in and we will be moving onto full lessons next week. We will be doing Literacy and Maths throughout the week, as well as Understanding the World, Art and RE. Check our our Learning Journey Page to see all the fantastic lessons we do. We will continue to update this page with special events that happen in Nursery throughout the year.
Week 4- 26.9.2023-30.9.2023
Wow.... what a fantastic time Nursery have had this week, with lots of changes! The children have had their first week of Lunch at school and have been fantastic at going down to the Hall and eating their dinner sensibly. We are so impressed with the children's eating habits and how fantastic they are at eating their food and using a knife and fork. They have all been so brave at trying the new food too!
Nursery have also had their school photographs on Monday 26th September- this was a big day with the children having both individual and sibling photos. They were amazing at this and were brilliant at posing for the camera and listening to the photographer.
Back in class, the children have done a variety of activities such as ice painting, making tea parties, practising their pencil control, using the glue to stick and having fun making creating with the playdough! What a busy week the children have had, and they have coped so well with staying for the afternoon and for lunch for the first time. Once again, we are so incredibly proud of them all and how well they are doing.
Please see pictures below of Nursery's third week at school and look at all the fun we have been having-Well done Nursery!
Week 3- 19.9.2023-23.9.2023
This week is the first time the children have been at Nursery all together in a big group. There are certainly a lot of us and we have been together each morning this week. Nursery have been amazing at meeting lots of new children, being kind and making new friends- we are so proud!
The children have enjoyed their range of activities this week which includes dot painting rainbows using cotton buds, exploring the pirate ship and outdoor area and playing dressing up. We have also practised sitting in our carpet spots on the carpet, and sitting with our legs crossed- they have been super at this!
We are so proud with how the children are settling in and that they feel happy and comfortable at Nursery. They are doing so well! Please see pictures below of Nursery's first second week at school and of their beautiful sitting- well done Nursery and keep up the great work!
Week 2- 12.9.2023-16.9.2023
This week the children have had their first few days on Nursery, all on their own! We are so proud of how brave they have been at coming into school, and how they have been so enthusiastic in all of the activities.
All of the children have enjoyed having a go at a range of tasks including playing in The Home Corner, exploring sand and water, constructing using cubes, bricks and lego and working on their fine motor skills.
Most importantly, the children have begun to build friendships and relationships with both the adults and each other. It is important that they begin to feel comfortable with their peers and safe in the environment.
Please see pictures below of Nursery's first week at school- we are so proud of them for what they have achieved- well done Nursery!