What should my child wear to school?
What should my child wear to school?
Our school uniform is designed to enable the children to take advantage of all the active learning opportunities available to them. Due to this, children do not need a PE kit.
Children should wear:
A blue school jumper. This can either be a plain royal blue sweatshirt or one with the school logo on. These are available from the school office for £8 - £10 or from Kid's Essentials in Northfield (website link below). | ![]() |
A plain white polo shirt with or without the school logo. These are available from Kid's Essentials in Northfield (website link below).
Plain black jogging bottoms. These should not have any stripes, logos etc. | ![]() |
Plain black trainers. These should not have any other colours on them. | ![]() |
Kid's Essentials website link - https://kidsessentialsschoolwearbirmingham.co.uk
Please ensure that absolutely everything is labelled with your child’s name (first and last). If a jumper goes missing, but it doesn’t have a name, then we might not be able to find the right one. This includes book bags, lunch boxes and also shoes/wellies.
- Smart, traditional hairstyles.
- No extremes of hairstyles are permitted.
- No artificial styling, colouring, spiking, crimping or perming.
- For Afro hair, plain cornrows/braids with appropriate securing beads in line with health and safety. No spikey or numerous bunches.
- Long hair should be tied back and secured with appropriate plain hair accessories. i.e. A plain bobble/Alice Band (No JoJo bands or elaborate hairpieces.)
- Shaved hair to be minimum Grade 2, with no more than two grades difference. No lines or patterns e.g. no cutting in and no top knots.
- Whilst normal partings are acceptable, they are not to be exaggerated by ‘cutting in’. No excessive use of styling products.