Star of the week
17.10.24 - Our star of the week this week goes to Louis for excellent behaviour. He has always shown himself to be a kind and polite boy and his behaviour in class and around school further shows this too. He is always hardworking and is a superstar, well done Louis!
10.10.24 - Our star of the week this week goes to Ionah as voted for by class nomination. Some of the children said the following things about Ionah…
”for working hard and being a good friend to everyone”
”because she has helped me”
“she is so kind hearted, she has shone throughout the whole years in OLSR and she has the best heart and is the greatest girl”
”she is always doing the right thing”
03.10.24 - Our star of the week this week goes to Ghelila based on the Catholic Social Teaching of Family and Community. She is always a great neighbour to others and is willing to help the people around her including her peers, staff members and Early Years!
27.09.24 Our star of the week this week goes to Emmanuel for meeting the Catholic Virtues of Curious and Active. He has demonstrated this when working hard in class but also by helping out in Nursery!
20.09.24 Our star of the week goes to Isla for her hard work in being active, she has worked hard to be active around school, get steps on her MOKI and to do lots in PE and active 15. Well done!
13.09.24 Our star of the week this week goes to Ayoub for brilliant presentation and fantastic handwriting. He has worked hard to make sure that his work is neat and he works hard to focus on his presentation.