KS1, Module 1, Unit 1
Session 1: Let the Children Come
Over five days, children will hear and experience the Gospel story of Jesus welcoming little children to Him in spite of others telling them to stay away. The story will be repeated in various ways, and through times of discussion, imaginative reflection and creative response, children will learn that they are created by God out of love and for love. These daily sessions contain teaching and time for spiritual development and emotional learning which underpins the entire Life to the Full programme, so proper time and space should be allowed for them.
KS1, Module 1, Unit 2
Session 1: I Am Unique
This session builds on the Unit 1 Gospel reflections on Jesus welcoming little children to Him, helping pupils to remember that they’re all special because they are made and loved by God. Children will be encouraged to notice similarities and celebrate differences between fictional people and each other as things that make us unique and special. They will start learning a song to reinforce learning; this song will be added to in each session of this unit.
Session 2: Girls and Boys
This session is all about celebrating our God-given bodies and the things they enable us to do! In an age-appropriate way, children will be encouraged to notice similarities and celebrate differences between girls and boys on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. There is also an optional* section for discussing external body parts (genitalia).
Session 3: Clean and Healthy (My Body)
Building from the last session where children learned that our bodies are good, this session teaches children how to take care of their bodies. Children will meet Super Susie and help teach her how to take care of herself. They will finish learning ‘Touch Your Knees, Touch Your Toes’ and remember that their bodies are a special gift from God that they need to look after!
Session 1: Feelings, Likes and Dislikes
In this session, children will watch a video where two presenters, Zoe and Joey, are trying to understand the feelings inside their heads. Children will realise that we all have different feelings at different times, and different likes and dislikes too. Children will take part in activities to help them understand and articulate their own feelings and how other people’s feelings might differ from theirs.
Session 2: Feeling Inside Out
In this session, film presenters Zoe and Joey continue to try to understand the feelings inside their heads. Children will realise that we all have different feelings at different times, and different likes and dislikes too. Children will take part in activities to help them understand and articulate their own feelings and how other people’s feelings might differ from theirs.
Session 3: Super Susie Gets Angry
Using the knowledge they gained from Zoe and Joey over the previous sessions, children will have to take up the mantle of the expert and help Super Susie through experiencing strong feelings for the first time. Children will reinforce previous learning by helping Susie through discussion and/or role-play (depending on teacher preference and age/stage of children). They will learn more about consequences of choices and what to do when it all goes wrong.
KS1 Module 1 Unit 4
Session 1: The Cycle of Life
This session can be split into two if preferred. It starts by referring back to the account of Jesus welcoming the little children used in Unit 1 of this Module, to show that God created us to follow the cycle of life and He loves us at every stage. We are created to grow, change and learn, not least about the love of God and how we can share it with others. There can be joy in every stage of life! The session then moves to looking at the specifics of the human life cycle, and children will be encouraged to celebrate how they have already changed and grown.
KS1, Module 2, Unit 1
Session 1: God Loves You
This session tells the story of ‘The Prodigal Son’ to show that God loves us, and nothing we can do will stop Him from loving us. Children will listen to an adapted version of ‘The Prodigal Son’ story and participate in activities and discussions to help them apply this story to their own lives.
KS1, Module 2, Unit 2
Session 1: Special People
This session will help children to identify the ‘special people’ in their lives and what makes them special. Through exploring Super Susie’s network - her Super Special Squad - children will understand the importance of the nuclear and wider family, and of being close to and trusting their special people, especially their parents. They will also learn that it is important to talk to their special people about things that are troubling them. Children will be given opportunities to reflect on their own network of special people and to remember that their relationship with God is the most special of all.
Session 2: Treat Others Well…
Building on the session ‘Feeling Inside Out’ in Module 1 where children learnt that their feelings and actions are different things, this session investigates how their behaviour can affect other people. Children will interact with a film to help them to identify appropriate and inappropriate behaviours and the effects that they can have.
Session 3: …and Say Sorry
Children will watch interviews with the characters in film from the last session to see how they felt about what had happened, and the significance of saying sorry. Children will learn that our behaviour can not only upset other people, but it can hurt God too. They will be given an opportunity to reflect on their own experiences and to give and receive forgiveness.
KS1, Module 2, Unit 3
Session 1: Being Safe
This session helps children to recognise safe and unsafe situations in real life and online. Through activities and the story of Smartie the Penguin, children will understand that being safe is not just about physical precautions, they need to feel safe on the inside too.
Session 2: Good and Bad Secrets
In this session, children will learn the difference between good secrets that are safe to keep, and bad secrets that are unsafe to keep. They will help Super Susie to decide whether some secrets she is asked to keep are good or bad, and what to do about it. Through activities and teaching, children will learn how to resist pressure when feeling unsafe.
Session 3: Physical Contact
This session incorporates (with kind permission) the PANTS resources from the NSPCC that teach children:
- Privates are private.
- Always remember your body belongs to you.
- No means no.
- Talk about secrets that upset you.
- Speak up, someone can help.
Session 4: Harmful Substances
In this session, pupils will relate their prior knowledge of medicines and the need to be safe around them to new learning about harmful substances. Children will receive input from an animated expert, Dr Datfa, on the harm substances such as alcohol and tobacco can have on our bodies. This session is underpinned with the religious teaching that our bodies are a gift from God which we should take care of. NB. Be mindful in this session that many pupils will have family members that smoke/drink.
Session 5: Can You Help Me? (Part 1)
Underpinned by the religious understanding that we are created to love God and love others, and we should therefore look out for and care for one another, this session explores what makes a situation a 999 emergency through animated teaching, role play and discussions. The next session, Part 2, introduces children to the principles of basic First Aid. NB. Be mindful of pupils with negative experiences of emergencies.
Session 6: Can You Help Me? (Part 2)
Underpinned by the religious understanding that we are created to love God and love others, and we should therefore look out for and care for one another, this session introduces children to the principles of basic First Aid through animated teaching, role play and discussions. The last session, Part 1, explored what makes a situation a 999 emergency. NB. Be mindful of pupils with negative experiences of emergencies.
KS1, Module 3, Unit 1
Session 1: Three In One
At the heart of this session is a story about Lucy and her family. Through the story, pupils will be introduced to the concept of the Holy Trinity and think about what the Holy Trinity means for them. This is a simple teaching that will be returned to with more complexity in later years.
Session 2: Who is My Neighbour?
Through the story of The Good Samaritan, children will learn who their neighbour is – everyone! They will have an opportunity to reflect on what this means for them and their communities.
KS1, Module 3, Unit 2
Session 1: The Communities We Live In
In this session, children will learn about the different communities that they are part of, both local and global. They will think about what it means to belong to a community and the rights and responsibilities that come with it. Children will also learn that how they act can help or harm their communities.