This half-term's Catholic Virtues
As you know, each half-term, our school focuses on two Catholic Virtues to guide and inspire our pupils. These virtues are integral in helping our children grow not only academically but also spiritually and morally. We encourage the children to embody these virtues in their daily actions, fostering a community of kindness, respect, and integrity. At the end of each half-term, we proudly recognise a pupil who has truly exemplified these virtues as a 'Catholic Virtues Luminary.'
Spring 1's Catholic Virtues are loving and compassionate.
Here is what the children said when we discussed how we show these values...
In Year 2, we are compassionate when we...
• help those who are finding the work tricky
• give a drink and a snack to those who feel sad
• give a hug to those who need it
• follow in Jesus’ footsteps and act how he did
• pick those up who have fallen and help them to get to the teacher if they’re hurt
In Year 2, we are loving when we...
• ask someone to play with us who looks left out of other games
• show respect to our adults and friends
• forgive everyone, just like God
• have faith in God and his plan for us
• share things with others
Autumn 2's Catholic Virtues are prophetic and intentional.
Here is what the children said when we discussed how we show these values...
In Year 2, we are prophetic when we...
- Are well-behaved
- Look after God’s creatures, especially in Forest School
- Help and look after our friends
- Listen to God’s plan
- Tell the truth
- Spread God’s word
- Are respectful in God’s house (Church)
- Make the right choices and live as God wants us to
In Year 2, we are intentional when we...
- help our grown-ups at home
- help those in need by giving to charities
- treat nature nicely by putting our rubbish in the bin, recycling and keeping our environment tidy
- treat others how we want to be treated
- are kind to others and think about what God would want us to do
- pray to God
- are kind to our teachers
- follow Jesus’ footsteps
Autumn 1's Catholic Virtues are curious and active.
Here is what the children said when we discussed how we show these values...
In Year 2, we are curious when we...
- Do some extra homework
- Learn about new things
- Want to find out more about what we’re learning
- Ask questions to find out more
- Want to learn different languages
- Ask Father Gary questions in Mass
- Ask Mr Carroll things
- Ask God to help us
In Year 2, we are active when we...
- Do exercise in Active 15
- Clean up after ourselves
- Recycle things so that they can be used again
- Help other people
- Kind to everybody
- Help the homeless and give to charity
- Help those who are ill
- Help our friends