Our Catholic Virtues
Each half term, we focus on two different Catholic Virtues. As a class, we explore what the virtues mean and how we can show we are fulfilling them on a daily basis. During the half term, the class will nominate a person who has fulfilled the Catholic Virtues and will award them with the 'Virtues' award.
Summer 2
Our Catholic Virtues for this half-term are...
learned and wise
In Nursery, we are learned when we are curious to learn more about God's creation, when we want to do our best in school and listen to our teachers and when we read from the Bible and use its teachings in our lives to help us.
In Nursery, we are wise when we realize and see what is important, for example, saving the planet, when we forgive each other when we do wrong and when we try to act like Jesus in our words, thoughts and actions.
Please ask the children about the virtues they have been learning in class this half term and ask them, how they will fulfil and carry out these virtues in their daily life. We would love to hear what they tell you!
Summer 1
Our Catholic Virtues for this half-term are...
eloquent and truthful
In Nursery, we are eloquent when we use our words clearly to talk about what we are thinking and feeling, when we spread kindness and love to others through the words we use and when we speak about God and his everlasting love for us.
In Nursery, we are truthful when we are honest with our teachers and friends, even if we sometimes make the wrong choices, when we aspire to search for the truth about God by reading the Bible regularly and when we speak to God honestly and freely in our prayers.
Please ask the children about the virtues they have been learning in class this half term and ask them, how they will fulfil and carry out these virtues in their daily life. We would love to hear what they tell you!
Spring 2
Our Catholic Virtues for this half-term are...
hopeful and faith-filled
In Nursery, we are hopeful when we believe in God's plan and trust that he wants what is best for us, when we want the best for our friends and want them to be happy and when we are enthusiastic about learning new things in school.
In Nursery, we are faith- filled when we listen to God and put him first in everything we do, when we show forgiveness and mercy to others and when we want to be kind and good to all, just like Jesus was. .
Please ask the children about the virtues they have been learning in class this half term and ask them, how they will fulfil and carry out these virtues in their daily life. We would love to hear what they tell you!
Spring 1
Our Catholic Virtues for this half-term are...
loving and compassionate
In Nursery, we are loving when we use kind words with those around us and think about what we say, when we help our friends with different activities like putting our coats on, when we share resources and toys nicely with everyone and when we help our parents at home and tell them we love them.
In Nursery, we are compassionate when we give our friends a hug if they are sad, when we look out for each other, when we have a caring attitude to others, thinking about them before ourselves and when we consider how we can help our planet, thinking about what we can do to protect the Earth and it's animals.
Please ask the children about the virtues they have been learning in class this half term and ask them, how they will fulfil and carry out these virtues in their daily life. We would love to hear what they tell you!
Autumn 2
Our Catholic Virtues for this half-term are...
attentive and discerning
In Nursery, we are attentive when we listen to what God wants for us and responds to the 'call' he has in our lives, when we respect our parents and teachers, by listening to them and knowing that they want what is best for us and when we enjoy God's Creation, looking after the wonderful world and animals he has made.
In Nursery, we are discerning when we think about using our faith and how to serve God in all that we do, we consider the path set out for us and wish to follow that path and we show kindness, compassion and forgiveness to others.
Please ask the children about the virtues they have been learning in class this half term and ask them, how they will fulfil and carry out these virtues in their daily life. We would love to hear what they tell you!
Autumn 1
Our Catholic Virtues for this half-term are...
grateful and generous
In Nursery, we are grateful when we think about what have in our lives, say thankyou to God for all he gives us and show our families that we love them and appreciate all that we do for us.
In Nursery, we are generous when we share our toys nicely with others, when we look after the resources in our classroom, realising that they are for everyone to enjoy, and when we take time to look after our friends.
Please ask the children about the virtues they have been learning in class this half term and ask them, how they will fulfil and carry out these virtues in their daily life. We would love to hear what they tell you!